Love the Spiral Staircase!

I love the new spiral staircase in the dungeon set, I hope we get them for other sets too .Cheers Funcom


Love this too!! So cool. I wish they were in all the sets – Although could be easier to place :slight_smile:

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True :rofl::rofl:.
Being fair here i just gave 20 minutes to it. But i noticed that it needs tricks to rotate, i don’t know for sure. Any better experience with this piece would be really appreciated.
Yet i noticed that on the tree foundation of Derketo dlc the stair starts from the middle which is absolutely awesome. I really wish we had this piece on wood as well!

The key is it has to be placed with no walls or ceiling pieces directly adjacent. Start with it in the spot/rotation you want, and then build next to it.


Thanks m8 :metal:. I will try your workaround. This was my first effort and it took me more than 20 minutes to make it

You do have to build on a foundation. I left that out because I thought it was obvious. However, somebody is going to scream about it eventually.

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