Make craftable legendary items repairable

Doesn’t make any sense, that your blacksmith can craft Pride of Aesir armor set, but unable to repair them.

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you have a blacksmith that can craft armor?

yes, this problem is hereditary, because the armor was only craftable at Ymir’s forge…
oversight, definitely…
But don’t hold your breath for a fix.

Advice: It ain’t a good armor anyway…just a transmog.

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That’s how I use it. Those bracers are pretty fancy.

It’s on same level with Silent Legion Medium armor, which is my go-to armor set, but exchanges some armor for cold resistance. As someone, who prefers agility, yet wants decent protection in case of server lag, I stick with medium armor.

If I may digress slightly, I will you go you one better. Make ALL Legendary weapons, armor and equipment repairable again. Done.


Not sure what your comment is supposed to be aimed at, but the armor is very far from good considering there are far better ones to get in the game and even easier.
If you prefer agility, yet use Silent Legion medium armor, which only has ONE agility armor piece…because of server lag? Huh?

I’m sorry, can’t follow any of your logic in that statement. Is your aim even to min-max agi dmg, or carry capacity? It doesn’t seem that way by what you are writing.
Frost resistance? Spicy food is a good trick. If that doesn’t do enough, pick up that Solsspeil shield, or simply craft a temperature immunity potion…

Neither, I want balanced armor set, that has multiple things in it. Stamina buffs are useful, since I use sorcery, carry capacity on boots is handy for carrying stuff(as those pouches can be quite heavy) and agility damage for star metal short sword.

how about craft new one .material ez to farm now

ok, but that ain’t really meta.

I give you a tip: Carry a set of specific carry capacity armor (light armor) with you always. That way you can switch to “more load bearing” armor. And the shoes, gloves, trowsers, etc. have almost no weight themselves. That way you can double your capacity if needed (specially when building), but the items themselves weigh roughly 6 to 7.

And Freya’s “sword” is actually a short sword and is superior to the star metal short sword. If you’ve done that questline or need a reason to do it.
And if you like short swords, as I do, simply try getting the two max cold and heat resistance shields for your offhand.

The point of the thread is that craftable gear needs to also be repairable. End of story. The OP didn’t ask for build advice or indicate that they want a meta-setup. Let people play/use what they like without telling them they’re doing it wrong.

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Where do I get a MLGA hat and t-shirt from. I want those.

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