Making stats useful on Thralls

The thing is, you can “trick” the thrall into carrying more then they should by at least 2 slots. Basically making them wield a one hander and a shield and filling up their slot with items. The next time they sheathed their weapons, it will be in the inventory, looking like it has added 2 more slots.

So UI wise, its doable. The problem with this though is that you can’t put any more items, even if you take out the one hander or shield. The game reads it as the thrall inventory is full, which it is. Hence, if having 1 enc gear gives 1 slot, it would make sense for thralls to use it.

Theres nothing pay to win or even op about having enc gear in the first place. Just enabling convenience in terms of using the type of thrall.

Interrupt resistance is great isn’t it? I’m just afraid it would make Dalinsia more op then she already is. However, it would reduce her vit or str stat more than usual if players stack grit just to have her have continuous combos.