Being able to see across the flat deserts and all the buildings within the view distance would be great. Right now they don’t show unless being very near the structures. Noted: a SSD may improve some of this.
You’re too kind Stygian architecture (and defensive architecture) isn’t exactly my comfort zone, but I’m becoming more acquainted with it as time passes.
FWIW, I think the siege would have fared much better if it was in an instanced area. I know people were not fans of the reinforced stone in the construction (though if memory serves, it may have been because of the system it used), but I think the fact it just bogged down the Savannah was a not-insignificant factor in why people didn’t enjoy it. I certainly avoided that area, even in single player. I’m of the opinion that the benefits of its removal will outweigh the cons for the time being.
Getting rid of Al Merayah - meh whatever. As others have pointed out that’s a sledgehammer to fix a problem that could as easily have been solved by downsizing (or fixing the spawn rates properly). But I also don’t care about it being gone.
Compass - meh whatever, so long as I don’t have to have it (and if it’s a knowledge/crafted item, then I don’t have to have it), it’s just another irrelevance.
No public beta - not a good sign, we all know how successful Funcom is at getting things right first time. But since they never pay much attention to anything reported during public beta anyway, does it really make a difference?
Bug Fixes - I guess we’ll see… No details means no way to judge anything at this stage. But if they aren’t significant, then that means we’ve just had another six months of lies, so let’s hope there’s some meaningful improvements.
UI/Inventory - so they’re going to roll back Al Merayah completely (rather than trying to fix in more moderate ways), and they’ve got time to add a new compass, mess with combat some more and mess with building placement (whatever that means), but we still can’t have a properly functioning inventory system. Why did they remove the functioning inventory system we had?
And while they’re at it, they should also put back the mouse pointer on radial menus. They’ve still never even acknowledged that they made this change. Is it a bug? It’s certainly a mistake.
If they make significant inroads on the extensive long term bug list (kudos to Kikigirl for all her work on that), then I may be more charitable on other matters, but I still want to see the return of basic functions, like custom inventory searching, mouse pointers in menus and not getting locked to a single facing when harvesting (yes, it’s better that it’s harvesting than it was when they locked us for combat, but it’s still damned irritating).
“Looking at”
Isnt -
“Weve fixed these issues”
Its -
“We might fix this. Maybe. We promise to. Seriously this time”
Meh, build some smaller one somewhere nice and I’ll add it as a mod
Raidable bases can only use vanilla pieces - although Funcom could’ve extended this on their end to DLC / bazaar sets too (for mods we ofc don’t have such luxury, so only core game pieces)
Sad as the other day I just tracked down the cause of those surprise stygian raiders showing up all over the map and reported it. Apparently that was some wasted effort
So we agree?
No, not in the least. But love your typical job of getting it all wrong paraphrasing
That they’re saying anything now at all is surprising but exactly what has been asked for.
The general sentiment (from what I was seeing here, on socials, etc) was interest was waning and faith was shaky. 1.5ish months in between any major communications can make players worry.
So, to me it feels good to see communication even if it is not comprehensive.
When patch notes are released I really really hope they are indeed comprehensive.
So on consoles for the last like half year the server browser is broken (you can’t see how many players are on each, which makes the game look dead)…they remove battle pass, cancel all content updates, remove NPC castle, and…add a compass! (Like 1 day work for me in UE).
By now I’m sure they have a single dev with 1 arm working on Conan exiles one weekend a month as a punishment.
It’s sad, because after playing Dune I can tell Conan is just a much better game and if it would get a re-release in UE5, and some proper care it would have another life and could be easily the best survival game out there.
It’s obvious the game was abandoned.
Also, whoever was in charge of coming up with content updates contributed to the demise of the title. Who the hell thought that out of all the things that the game needed, hero NPCs from age of heroes were the best investment of resources? Such an unnecessary feature.
Yes and no. Yes, it’s a nice acknowledgement we exist, been nicer if they’d put more effort in to spreading the word.
I honestly don’t see how you can think that, reading a thread about a developers notice of an upcoming update.
Now I’ve been calling it maintenance mode because I didn’t expect game content, so I may have to refrain from the label
Have you ever read a Conan story/novel/comic?
Hell watch any one of the movies. Conan is all about saving people for team ups.
al merayah is stillborn, the gold you collect was useless, because due to the arrival of the purges, gold became abundant in exile, the recipes you drop, the same as those in the library and you do not fight… al merayah was a wart in exile…
Absolutely. At least it is on the launch aside from X (and possibly FB?)
I’ve already done multiple analysis of this and I feel like the only explanation is that it is strategic. Forums seem to be a dinosaur when there are modern alternatives. Some days even though it is a workday and there are fresh reports the mods don’t seem to be scheduled to work on the forums. Think about the volunteer program and its scrapping 2 years ago.
Counter intuitive being that this is the place where the patch notes are housed and bug reports are received. Plus all the great information here, there are old posts that really help to gain perspective or help to figure out something.
But I don’t know as this is all just conjecture, I’m just an outsider looking in puzzled af.
Yea, that developer note shows they did less than bare minimum since the announcement of the new approach.
I didn’t read the novel, but how does that makes heroes a better investment of resources? It makes no sense to me from business side of things and gameplay. This stuff doesn’t not drive sales and doesn’t make people want to try the game.
So my thoughts…
I could do without the big base raid. Interesting idea, but it does contribute quite a bit to lag in the area. It also lacks any real purpose. As others have stated, the loot leaves much to be desired as you can obtain everything elsewhere and by much easier means. The only real challenge here was the fact that enemies kept spawning… and unfortunately, that resulted in excessive lag, in addition to the size. I know the ones on Siptah are smaller, but I’m not sure if that makes much of a difference, considering since the removal of transfers, Siptah has become quite barren for the most part. I can’t fairly compare the two without seeing a full—or at least busy—server. I think once more stability is met with patches and updates (particularly on console), then revisit the idea… perhaps with less ambition.
Can’t say much about stamina changes. I like the instant refresh, but the lack of ability to combo effectively does suck. We’ll see where this goes…
I’m ok with a compass. It’s a QOL feature that’s definitely desirable in certain areas, and especially when players are newer and still learning the map. I can see it beneficial for the northern jungle where it’s easy to get turned around often. I wouldn’t worry too much about this, especially since they never said it was a mini map or a compass like Fallout or Elder Scrolls that identifies locations. It’s also able to removed from inventory, so it clearly sounds to be optional.
I’m most concerned about the bugs, and Living Settlements in particular. We’ve been begging it be turned off on officials for several months, but to no avail. They better do something that fixes it soon.
You expect far to much if you actually think that Nemisis is capable of reading.
Even highlighting it as you did it will simply go ignored because they literally cannot read. Or at least they cannot read anything that goes against the narrative they want to push, which is always wrong and based on literally nothing.
They do not use the public beta for it’s intended function, and nothing found in the public beta really makes one iota of difference as they just push out the broken garbage onto the live servers anyway (as seen in the last 6 updates that have been on the public beta servers). So in all honestly, WHY BOTHER PUTTING IT ON THERE?
The public beta servers, as many people noticed, were reverted to an old version of the game. What version? The last version before al-Merayah was added to the game.
It seems quite likely Funcom was using those servers to experiment with the state of the game prior to al-Merayah.
We probably aren’t getting a beta this time around because of the al-Merayah tests using the public beta servers.
You know me. Every silver lining has a dark cloud.
I’m of the opinion funcom saw the beta client was not giving them the sort of hype they expected So shut it down.
I did lot of alpha/beta testing in the past, didn’t seem funcom ever used the beta client right.
That’s just supposition and conjecture, though.
Completely agreed. I have repeatedly tried this content on my weaksauce sorcerer to no avail because of the stupid respawn rates. How they didn’t just downsize and optimize instead of total wipe is just plain laziness.