Massive slave's health loss

Game mode: [Online]
Problem: [Bug]
Region: [EU]

My slave was full health and I kept riding my horse, 2min later my slave had 500 HP left (/27000 HP). It is impossible for a slave with a Godbreaker armour to lose 27000 HP in 2 mins. This must be a bug.
(She did’t fall).

I don’t know how to reproduce the issue.

I think you must have gone for a walk in the volcano with your slave :golfclap:

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Ohh my Shmock… u are Crazy :wink:

that happened to me too, I was just walking with my slave and out of nowhere my slave died

The same thing happened to me, but i didnt had that problem until the update of thralls came out, after that all my thralls have been dying just by simply walking them around my base.

They didn’t actually fall, but they were receiving fall damage as if they did. Sometimes thralls don’t follow you properly at the same level from the ground, they appear on the roof, one or even more stories above or below you. It may have happened to you that you heard the sound of feet hitting the ground, but couldn’t find where the thrall is… well he is at another level.

This has always happened, but now that the fall damage was increased they lose health every time this happens. That’s why they are dying.

Did you go through the volcano or fell from somewhere high?

i have the problem me too i lost some slave without reason. Not only in volcano. that happened in the snow biome too for no reason with no ennemis attack them. We don’t understand

I can understand fall damage being increased for the player, especially if that was intended in the first place. But not for thralls because they lose health through no fault of the player. I don’t know what happened but my thrall lost about 2000 hp from teleporting. I think that should be reduced or taken away, for the thralls. Because even without the update thralls did stuff like teleport into lava or other weird places causing health loss, it is not because the player is no good. But now they die just by standing or walking around, that is pretty frustrating.

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