May I ask you kindly to adjust the Demon Lord perk?

First of all, I like the concept of the perk itself, but… the problem is that it’s not just ineffective, it’s a burden.

I’ll explain, there are 2 key problems here:

1. In the realities of a PvP server, summoned demons attack your thrall, disrupting their attack and distracting them from the actual enemy.

2. If you accidentally hit any demon, whether it’s a weapon swing or even a random knockback wave from the Desecrate perk, that demon will start attacking you.

The whole thing… Doesn’t make sense. It’s like having your own thralls attack you if you accidentally hit them in combat, like, “Oh no, Mistress wants to kill us, let’s attack her now!”

In the game itself, this perk turns combat into a mess, with demons attacking your thrall, disrupting their attack on the boss, the boss itself beats everybody with a smug mug, and you (the player) get knocked back by another demon because your attack randomly triggered a wave of corruption from Desecrate, catching that demon and now it’s attacking you too. That’s just… Oh, boy…

Suggested adjustment: remove demon aggression on any player attacks and aggression against player thralls. Let demons, like thralls, take damage from the player’s accidental hits. Have them, like thralls, take debuffs from the Wrack perk etc. But let the summoned demons, under no circumstances become aggressive to the player or their thralls.

Perks should give an advantage, but the Demon Lord, right now only creates difficulties. Most of the times.

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Stupid part is that on PvE server, if you run purge, summoned demon just ignores attackers.

Though to be fair, there are multiple perks, that are straight up stupid. Like Tainted Vessel - nobody ever picks it, as AoE burst of damage/corruption deals only about 30 damage and requires you to get hit, which is something nobody wants with 50% corruption required to have that perk.

Well, I’m not asking for any global changes, but just to remove the aggro of demons on the player/thrall at this perk. By the way, Tainted Vessel has a pretty funny dimension on PvP (other players freak out and run from you when just seeing it). But still, that’s not what I made the post about.

The point is that a fully corrupted build is still quite playable in PvP, as long as certain conditions are met (and no matter how many people write otherwise, because I find the way). Yes, a lot of things work badly and just weirdly, like debuffs on accidental hits to your thrall, or getting them knocked down by a wave of corruption from the final corrupted strength perk… But Demon Lord is an exception even in this. It’s not just bad or ineffective, no, it literally harms the player almost always. Is that the idea of it? To make the game harder on yourself? Summon demons that will attack your allies and/or you? I kind of doubt that was the intention.

Anyway, went back to the corrupted 20/20/19 build yesterday with War Party. And wrote this post with the faint hope that this point will get into some future patch note.

Welcome to the utterly futile effort of requesting Funcom to not be mind-numbingly stupid. I don’t know if you’ve read the rest of this forum…? But we’ve been begging for just a shred of competence and rationality for years, and the result is, well… this.

Well, I have nothing to lose by making a suggestion. If it doesn’t get noticed, well, so be it. I still love this game for some reason.

Good morning .
I don’t think this is a bug or a coding/intent error.
You are summoning a powerful creature, which gives you an undeniable advantage (on paper), so this has a counterpart.
In the game Sacreed: Fall of the Angel from the renowned studio Ascalon, you could also summon demons with certain mage classes, but invariably this one turned against you after a certain time.

After I understand quite that the accidental shot against the demon by the player or a enslaved NPC can be derengating if the Demon turns against his Alliès.
on the one hand this is realistic but the way the fights are made in Conan Exile (They are drafts especially with NPCs enslaved) will not allow to make fights without accidentally touching the Demom.
I therefore think that indeed this one should not attack its allies during the fight but after a lasp of time only.

Except it’s final corrupted perk of Authority, so you give up half of your health and stamina for what, 7% chance to summon a demon?

If you are going to make considerable sacrifices to get that perk, it has to be consistently good.

I don’t know if it makes sense to suggest making summoned demons aggressive after a certain amount of time, considering… how long do they last, like 30 seconds?

If we need to display the treacherous nature of demons, in theory, it could be possible to make every 6 summoned demon be aggressive to everyone and highlighted with, say, a red aura or something. But this is a more complex suggestion. In current realities, it’s easier to remove demon aggression on player attacks and, even better, remove getting damage from thralls.

I mean, 2 thralls from War Party, attacking the same enemy in no way hurt each other or the player, but, for some reason, hurt summoned demons and take damage from accidental player attacks. I fail to see any sense in this.

No, no, no! Seven days haven’t gone by yet! Don’t you dare close! Don’t you dare! That’s it. Uh-huh. Keep it open.

Okay. No one asked me to, but I did test one thought with this perk (so you don’t have to). So, listen to my brilliant idea! Since summoned demons attack your thralls, maybe… maybe then they won’t attack a summoned demon from this, well, circle of evil magic? Like, hey, demon bros don’t hurt each other! And what if that’s kind of the real purpose of this perk? Like, such a secret, thought out by the developers that these silly players just haven’t found?

Checked. Nope. Demons hit each other the same way. Except that the demon from the circle has less hp than any mediocre little thrall and the summoned ones might very well kill it. Oh, that’s cute.

Uh, okay. I decided to run on the PvP server with this Demon Cucko… I mean, Lord, yeah, that’s what I was gonna write…

Pros, well, sort of:

  • All possible stats are corrupted. Well, the half of them that was added as a “temporary solution”, what remained (surprise-surprise!) a permanent one. There’s a certain harmony to it, you know? I mean, when it’s alll 20/20/20 and everything is corrupted. Nice… There isn’t that nasty last 19. Hate those 19-th… They’re always plotting against you, I just feel it.
  • +3% to thrall damage. Well, when your character hits and your thrall gets rage or something. Yeah, before it was +57%, now it’s +60%. There’s that sense of harmonious completion again.
  • Your thrall gets the full bonus from Authority. And one is much easier to manage than two from War Party.


  • ~50% of the time, this perk gets in the way. The summoned demons hit your thrall, or you.
  • In ~40% of the cases, this perk does NOT get in the way. Summoned demons are not randomly summoned and do not interfere. Or walking around out there drinking lattes and stuff. Chill guys, what else is there to say?
  • In ~10% of cases, this perk - wow! - helps. Summoned demons, by the will of random gods and the bless of Outer Darkness, attack whoever they need to attack, not you or your thrall.

Conclusion. Feelings from the Demon Lord on the official PvP server, as if I myself, voluntarily, put a debuff on my character. Heh-heh, I’ll keep playing with it. What? We don’t take the easy ways, right? This is the way. Of overcoming.

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