Missing Alchemist

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So I’m not sure if it’s just me or if anyone else is having this problem IV looked in the exiles as well as sipth for a Alchemist I have checked know alchemist spawns as well as tried the interactive map and to no avail there are no alchemist any longer they are all sorcerer now someone PLEASE HELP I NEED A ALCHEMIST

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No problem on Exiles map. Sinners refuge has at least 3 named alchemists rotating through. There no doubt other places. On official server I have extra in chest There are other named people cook CROMS Faithful, Barnes dancer and other bench mates. @


On Official servers I have found named T4 alchemist in, at least, three different locations after 3.0.
Better luck to the OP!


Go to vulcano, i found there the same alchemist 3 times in a row.


I just went there and found one thank you idk last 2 days haven’t been able to find one figured it was a bug. Appreciate the help


You can always purchase an alchemist in Pirate Camp on Exiles Map in the Buccaneer Bay for $50 or $100 gold (Jungle). Easiest place I think they are tier 2 with RNG to get a named and also RNG to get a named Taskmaster, so bring lots of gold coins early game.

If you have better gear and weapons there are lots of Alchemists spawn in the Volcano in the poison gas gardens closest to the Volcano Obelisk.

Just remember your gas mask and lots of ice. (You may have to build a wheel in the volcano to train your thrall inside the volcano), unless you know your way around and can run one of the two paths out without teleporting with your thrall on a binding.

Teleporting (load screen out of the volcano has always had a chance of failure, similar to using a map-room while dragging a thrall).

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I saw 3 in Sepermaru yesterday…?


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