Missing PC patch notes

trying to search for a specific patch note I noted that we are missing the PC patch notes between PC Update 2.3 (16.03.2021) wich is the last patch notes in the “archive” … and the [PC Update - Age of War Chapter 1 (2023.06.22) - Latest: Hotfix 2] @AndyB

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Yeah, it is annoying that they keep hiding PC patch notes, but you can still find all of the patch notes for PS or XB. Consoles don’t get the exact same notes as PC, but they are 99% the same, and so will work for most purposes.

yes I know :wink: Cold pack for bearers amor refrigerator golems? - #5 by Kanza1

but it’s still an issue worth bringing up as one might overlook the ps/xbox ones or think that they would also be missing over there

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