(mod) Inventory Compact and Stack Split :P (yes.. very precise split!.. by Xevyr.. lol)

So umm…

As the title suggests… due to popular request… I added stack splitting to my tiny inventory compactor mod.

Previously it looked like this and did this


Now it looks like this and does this…

It was thrown together today after all the mod updates in a rush :man_shrugging: so it’s not perfect, but it works :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway… figured I’d throw it in as a public service announcement :stuck_out_tongue:

Link to the mod


While I LOVE and APPRECIATE what you are trying to do here… and I totally love the spirit… this kind of a mod should not be required for basic game inventory operations.

I am a big fan of “vanilla” non-modded servers. But I suppose I might could support a single mod. If this is what FUNCOM is going to require for ORDINARY INVENTORY OPERATIONS.

Thank you. Sincerely. <3


Now I need you to hack the PlayStation version so your mod can be used there :slight_smile:


Xevyr to the rescue (again)


THANK YOU, @Xevyr !!

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Fking legend.

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Why this mod even exist?
@den himself said no one uses precise stack functionality.
Every player loves the split stack game introduced in chapter 4 update.

I suggest starting a pre production process of PC hotbar mod.
Highly likely pc style hotbar will be deleted next update.

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Thank you so much!!! This is so dumb it has to be a mod but i honestly was going to uninstall because of this! You are a legend. Its sad that modders have to put QOL things BACK into the game for some reason. Please devs and people who decided to remove this, FIND A NEW FIELD/JOB.


Here you go :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oh, apparently this is getting reintroduced in the basegame with the next hotfix - whenever that will be :slight_smile:
I guess good news for those who can’t use mods!

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We love you anyway.


Ty ty :slight_smile: