Before, I divided items for the bacnadas and vic and simply dragged the item by holding “shift” and I chose the quantity I wanted. After this latest update I can no longer do so. Does anyone know if this feature still exists and how it is done?
Unfortunately they removed this essential function because reasons. What reasons? Buckle up, this is going to get bumpy.
The lead dev., Dennis Douthett, and his team thought no one used it and I can’t fathom why they didn’t know it was something everyone used very frequently, didn’t know it was an ESSENTIAL FUNCTION.
You can read their comments about it here: We find that most of the time when we are splitting stuff
Anyway - right now you can only split stacks in half, RMB will do that for you. Good luck trying to separate exactly 25 items out of a stack of 1000.
They are brining back this essential function because of player backlash over its removal. Unfortunately it sounds like they are changing it from shift-drag to something else. I hope that I will be able to edit the .ini file to put it back to shift-drag because that’s what I’ve been used to for about 7 years… and it was PERFECTLY FINE THE WAY IT WAS, DENNIS!!!
Sorry about that. Had to get that out of my system… phew.
The thing we used dozens of times per gaming session was deemed useless by the devs.
It’s the most backwards functionality step they could do with item management.
Simple split stack turns to splitting over and over and over and over to get smaller amount. Crom help you if you only need 4 out of a stack of 1,000.
It took me about 5 minutes to split a stack of 1000 down to the exact number I actually needed. Stopped playing right after that, too. I still can’t believe they removed something that I use dozens, if not hundreds, of times every time I log in to play.
I don’t want to carry 25 or 50 explosive arrows, I want 20 but can I break that down from my stack of 100 with just one key combo? Not anymore thanks to Dennis and his team. Now I have to click the 100 stack to break it to 50, then 25, then 12/13, then the 12 stack to two stacks of 6, then add one of them to a stack of 13, then keep breaking the other 6 stack down until I get to a single arrow and add that to the 19 stack I made from the 6 and 13 to make 20. THANKS DENNIS!!!
I don’t want to carry 10 potions, or 5 potions, I want 4. Can I get 4 quickly? No. I have to break it down to two stacks of 5, then break those to two stacks of 2/3, then combine the 2 stacks to make 4. THANKS DENNIS!!!
I want to split a 1000 stack of plant fiber into three roughly even stacks so I can put about the same amount in each of my stables because I’m going offline for a few days and want all of them to keep producing resources. How do I do that now? To quote Deadpool - with Maximum Effort. Split the 1000 in to two 500s. Split that into four 250s. Split those 4 into 8 125s. Split those into stacks of 62/63 so you have 8 stacks of 62 and 8 stacks of 63. Then combine 5 stacks of 62/63 to make a stack of about 313 or so. Do that with two more times so you have 3 stacks of about 313 each. Then split the remaining 62 or 63 stack a couple times and add those to the 313 stacks and that’s about as close as you’re going to get without sitting there for 3 hours click, click, clicking that right mouse button and drag/dropping stacks onto each other. THANKS DENNIS!!!
Seriously, how could they not know that having only x/2 splitting was going to be a problem?
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