On the launch DevStream, Joel (Creative Director) came by to say that he was working on some awesome new Conan Exiles content. So more content will be coming, and they are currently working on it!
What does base expanding have to do with story content?
I have the bracelet for some days now, i did every world boss, i did every dungeon that is available - only to find out:
A.) content is too easy
B.) there is not much content to go through
and C.) you literally get the best armor and weapon from the black keep (because it is repairable)
Our base is big enough to house 5-6 players, we have like 45 Thralls (not including the crafters) - but since the purge is bugged out anyway it won’t matter.
So yes, I can remove my bracelet at any given point and I am done with the game.
For a singleplayer expirience, because this game is nothing more right now, it is a nice fun for 120hours - I did not rush my levels nor did I try to finish everything because I didn’t watch any spoilers from bosses or what so ever. I guess i did get my money back worth it atleast with the game time, but further expanding my base I cba - I have 2,6k hours in ARK, been building on multiple servers - building is not the core part of my gaming expirience.
And also it’s way too easy to achieve that, get a 1h+shield, get a 2h weapon and there you go, you won. You got Silent legion armor? well - I guess you are immortal now. I was hoping to find a game in conan exiles that would push me off from ARK, but I guess that’s not happening.
Yeah, but it’s still a shame that after less than 2 weeks you are done with the main story and or every content that is available, as stated above building/farming should not be the core value of a survival game.
It’s not even worth trying to trade because every named thrall can be capture in less than an hour, so there is not even a chance to trade thralls - which should be more rare, atleast the higher level/t4 guys. It doesn’t even make sense to get a t4 thrall in every crafting station, because it’s not needed to reach the end of the game.
I actually hope for like a system where different Thralls from different tribes (Darfari, Nordheimer and so on) give you access to different recipes…but yeah, its way too simple.
While this is good for us, I see this happening before the so needed fixes for the issues affecting the game and servers atm.
Sigh… I really wish they could work on serious bugfixing before adding new ones. -_-
The coders are working on bugfixes, while only the artists / level designers / etc. are working on new content. There won’t be any hold-up on bugfixes on account of new content — bugfixes have a higher level of priority.
Something must differ between your experience and mine, then. I’ve put 600+ hours into the game, and still have tons of things that I want to do. It’s still very exciting playing the game.
I’d assume it’s that you’re playing PvE single player, while I play PvP multiplayer. There are so much more fun things that can be done with a group in a sandbox game than solo. For instance right now on my PvP server, I’m building a labyrinth around an obelisk, so that people who teleport in must navigate out of the labyrinth in order to travel to where they want.
Indeed it does, I dare to say its urgent
On the pve servers the devs should have cranked the mob difficulty way up and made mobs attack your base if within range.
As a side note the way funcom has setup the armor and weapons they are going ti have to keep adding new ones to keep things interesting .
Finished with content in 2 weeks? YouTube much? How about playing the game instead of someone holding your hand? Or did you just admin your way to the finish?
well then grats you’ve finished all the content… but if you can expand your base then you haven’t taken the bracelet off and thus haven’t done everything
You played with a decent sized group and put in 120 hours into a game in 2 weeks. That is like 10 hours a day.
I played SWTOR when it came out… I Finished all the available content in the same time frame. THis isn’t an MMO that is… so if it took a group that long then it was pretty good.
This isn’t Ark.
Have you gone through a purge yet? have you fought other clans? or have you played just PvE
I have never hit 60… I have 400 hours as level almost entirely though building because I like to build. I’ve put about 100 hours into bases just since launch. Different play style I guess.
This is not an MMO. Please keep grinding off this game, thanks.
I never said I play solo, we are a 4man tribe and I often gather with other people from the server as well to help people out or to adventure through dungeons/caves when they were new to us.
Don’t take it as an offense, but is that your first type of sandbox/survival game you are playing? Other than that it could be the PvP factor, but I don’t wanna force myself to something I know I don’t like.
At what point am i comparing this to an MMO?
What’s wrong with getting the best weapon and armor from the Black keep? The kinscourge boss is amazingly fun.
I made a Similar topic with a more specific wish list focused on PVE… Take a look if you are interested:
And just in case you want a campaing:
One can never be sure since multiplayer basically criple the quality in writing and level desing in videogames (Except for CDProjekt Red of course :P)
You mean the great purge which doesn’t happen properly? first 3 waves died instantly and the 4th wave came and the mobs died with 2 hits.
We wanted to see if our Thralls actually do something, but that’s also not happening, they just stand and watch the purge hit your walls. Pretty disappointing as a core mechanic… Yeah i only played pve, since, stated above, I dislike pvp.
But it seems that it doesn’t affect that much people - I know you can invest 1k hours + easily, but thats only building and farming, nothing I enjoy too much after 2,6k hours of ark. You see i hoped for something new and exciting, conan is exciting to play until you get steel weapons - then it’s pretty much faceroll. The only thing that stops you is the high boss hp - not the mechanic that the boss could kill you at any given point. And I know as some people state it is not ARK and that I shouldn’t compare the two games - but I do in terms of pve endgame, conan has nothing to look forward right now to work towards.
Obsidian tools/weapons are super bad in terms of dura, you repair more than you can fight/harvest - and that’s endgame material.
But yeah, since I piss a lot of people off I wish everyone lots of fun in this game, I will prolly remove my bracelet with the keystone and wait for more content.
The Black Keep is not the ultimate endgame dungeon (volcano is) and you get it super cheap, you don’t even have to defeat the boss for the armour recipes if you wish to do so - for the weapon you need the heart obviously but still, volcano dungeon should be much harder and reward better stuff than the black keep.
You describe it more appealing for a lot of people, but you tell the same thing I do, more content for PvE players.
YYYep. we are on the same train brother.