More levels, more recipies equals more incentive to play


After logging quite a few hours on conan exiles i have some suggestions that may benefit the people that enjoy the game like me.
I am sure many players dont write here on the forums, because most of them are actually in-game or have moved on to the next best thing, witch is understandable at this point.

Expansion pack with at least this content.

  1. More levels
  2. More recipies
  3. More items
  4. More dungeons
  5. More unique thralls
  6. More unique mobs
  7. New section of the map(Biome) with unique armor and items
  8. Social thralls, musichians/entertainers and traders

The game allready have a high impact regarding everyday life, it is allready immersive but miss a few things to be top of class.
I am one of the lucky ones that play on a server where all thralls work as intended, and my purges comes regularly so please take that in to account if replying to this post.
I have lost 1 body i couldnt find, and NEVER lost any items from my bases or chests/stations if it wasent for a purge wich damages my building and stations.

Now, i have logged about 6-700 hours in-game, and id say that after 200 hours, you have buildt 1-3 castles in 1-3 biomes and you have explored the map, aswell as captured named and important thralls.
You have also experiensed loss due to pvp groups, or rebilding your base after a massive purge.

You have hunted bosses and explored dungeons, either solo like me, or in a group.

So, the point here is obvious.
We need more content, not because 200h isnt enough for some, but because the reason many of my friends dont play anymore is this, they have outplayed the game, like me 4 times now on different servers.
We have fiddled with admin panel in SP, and ran dedicated servers for a while.
(On that note, do not rent a server, run it at home, you have more then enough machinery to do this if you have a box with a core 5 or higher and 12+gb of memory on it with a small ssd)

So, here comes the pet system, witch is wanted by many players a a new thing, and also have fans arround the gaming world.
I like the pet system, but i am not sure it is enough to be really really exited, as i want more.

It is time to plan a full blown expansion pack, and if this include zoning in to a different biome i would not care at all, just make sure my pet/thrall zones with me like when using the maproom:)

I hope this may be a thing to consider, and as i know many gamers just have outplayed the game as-is, but loved the experience.

Please take this in to consideration when people talk about dropping playerbase, we outplayed the game 1 month after release, and have played it 2-3 times again after this, there are absolutely no wonder that the playerbase is dropping, after all we have played the game to pieces!

So, a big thank you Funcom, i have had a blast, and i still have a blast, but i can feel the routine getting to me at this point, and therefore this suggestion.

Thank you for reading


I think increasing the level cap from 60 to 90 would be good.


No more levels pls, this will mess up even more the balance, more content after the core game fixed? Yes, but levels? No need, this is not a MMO.

I think your suggestion is reasonable but to early. Actually there are 3 points to improve before it is possible to make the next step:

  1. Bugfixing next to the Integration of planed core game features they couldnā€™t finished before release (PET System, Sorcery, Settlement Systems, Dungeons)
  2. Increasing performance and stability next to a better modsupport AND
  3. significant Improvement of the AI
    These 3 points are prior conditions for the further development of this innovative game. If they get to this point this game will rise to the hall of fame of alltime games :innocent: and it will stay as a Topseller for Funcom

I agree.

MMO or not have nothing to do with it, its all about playing the game for a longer period of time, and that demands more levels, more feats and more content, because we all havge played the content many many times allready.

Understandable, and i get where youre coming from.
In my opinion the bugs present that are wery important to fix must be adressed, but that doesent mean they cant plan and make a manuscript for a coming expansion.
Personally like stated above i t6hink ai performance is wery much a server/Client issue, and the reason is that on a server i play on the ai seems totally ok, and my thralls both attack and follow.
Can be better, sure, but more important then me playing 200 hours more and paying for it?
Not for me.

Point beeing, i see things people complain about, but i just dont see them as wery important at all, the game is fun to play, and i think its to short compared to my enjoyment thats all:)


AI should be much more than stay and follow. There are already many posts and threads about on this forum. Itā€™s one of the most discussed topics and I wonā€™t repeat all the comments on this. And these comments are not meant to be complains, they are suggestions for an improvement of the basic AI of CE, improvements which will give the player much more possibilities with the Thralls in combat and Organisation of settlement and survival. And this will increase the fun with this game tremendously.


First off, the ai effects the whole living CE world, not only thralls.
And having the possibility to give them commands will be a great thing for sure.
Will commanding thralls make me stay at 60?
Will it be enough to keep my interrest, or yours?
Will it pull back all those players that have outplayed the current content?

I mentioned this as one of my points above that id like to see more and other uses for thralls, and this is included in those wishes of course, and so i agree it is a good thing you mention.

There have to be a motivation to keep playing a world you have outplayed many times, you like the world but theres just not anything more to achieve and thats really a big thing, as the playability imo is about 100-200 hours for most people, therefore new content when people like the basic world is, or should be a priority.

After all, you must admit that even tho there are some anoying bygs in-game you have played it and enjoyed it, so theres really no reason to start playing it again for many people before new things are implemented, and i for one feel my list above is an important thing to achieve just that.

If you take the work for the current dlc that cost 10 euro, and the full game cost 30-40, you will see that a full expansion is a lot of work, compared to new skins for the models.
I understand this, and i know its a lot of work, but at the same time it will be like the release all over again for many gamers all arround the world that have enjoyed the conan exiles experience.

Then we will see the playercount explode again, not by any new skin, or a new thrall command, it just isnt enough for the players that have played the game for a long time.

It will take time to implement all mentioned features to this game. There is a roadmap: the next will be the petsystem with a lot of bugfixing and one new dungeon and the ā€žfinalā€œ religion of Jebbal Sagh. Then they will care about AI improvements, more bugfixing and more dungeons, maybe some missing additions to the game which were announced like the Pontoons. After that or parallel there will be Performance improvements coming and hopefully modsupport improvements. These are features I am personally awaiting most because mods will be one element which will improve the game much further - I know of some awesome breathtaking mods waiting for better support. They will come to us players when the performance and stability allows their implementation. Then their will be the Sorcery System coming - Sorcery in Conan is dark sorcery - and at least there should come the settlement system. Building upon these core features you can expand the system - new building pieces, new Thralls, new weapons, new monsters, better combat, new emotes, new materials, new dungeons, more sorcery, expanding the map or even new maps and at least in a few years, when a new generation of pcā€˜s and consoleā€˜s are on our desktops they sould be able to implement even mountsšŸ˜‡.
I love this game, I am with this game since the first hour of EA and I played it I think about 1400 h, probably I will play it 1400 h more.:sweat_smile:

Adding more content doesnt necessary means more levels, you dont need levels to add content, that is just a formula former and pioneer MMOs have been using, and yet I know MMOs that even with expacs didnt got their level cap raised when substancial content came.

CE can live long with tons of content being implemented without the need of levels.

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I agree with Fingah. More! Especially if you add the content that makes for more recipes as you will need the points!

I agree with you that most of these features will and probebly can be implemented within some time.
The major hw issue seems to be on the serverside, as the problems i have seen are mostly on officials, and that should be the other way arround really, private servers on a normal rig have better capacity then the officials and thats something to talk to G-Portal with i guess.

More of everything, and new biome will have to demand a higher level to ecplore, the reason for higher level cap is the exitement.
If the mobs are not tougher its no exitement to explore those places, and you really dont need a new armor or weapon, just go with what you have and its fine, therefore it gets boring after a while.

New levels and areas/mobs are a great way to lighten up a game again, it is totally like a new game to play, and it is exiting for both exixting and new players both.

Like i said before, i do like all the features that will be implemented, but it is allready a lot for the level cap of 60, when you finally get to 60 you actually dont need the level 60 recipies to survive, you are strong and the reason to build bigger and better are gone after the first big base in a high area is done, what then?
Like i said, you do the dungeons, or try, you build your dreambase and then you miss the incentive to keep playing because you have it all.

I dont want to have it all, i like to have a ā€œPossibilityā€ to have all the great stuff, it must be difficoult to get the best stuff, but also you have to need the best stuff, therefore you keep the incentive to play.

Its of no use to me with a better weapon now, they are just marginally better, and you can manage the whole map with star metal.

Same with armor, i have the best for cold and hot area, what do i have to work for now then?

Now, if there was a higher zone that i would die the instant i entered because it was really hard and i had to get certain items or feats to be able to even explore it at first, now that would trigger me to go the extra mile, because i want to see the new stuff and biome right?

I just know that even tho dlc are ok for some vanity/pve players, its not enough for others like me that want new obstacles and goals to keep playing.

A dlc with any of these things are for sure fine, and put them together with the things allready beeing worked on im sure the game will have enough to do.
Still there have to be a kind of progress and locked content for all to see if they dare, or have the gear to explore.
Dont give away spoilers, keep it a secret with just drops of juice once in a while streams thats all.
I remembered i felt abandoned when i had my first full epic armor and dragonbone weapons, i had no problem killing stuff, and i didnt have more to do, that was sad, because i looked forward to getting good stuff, but when you get them you see that you didnt need them?

Well, its just opinions here so of course they wary, and thats great:)

Bdw, thanks for great input in the thread, i like most of the adjusted suggestions mentioned.

Ok, if this is to be true we need harder zones and harder recipies to fit the enviroment in the new zone.
There are no use for better armor in the zones we have now, so why take the time to build anything you dont really need?
How to get better recipies without more feats/points?

All of a sudden i cant repair my other stuff because i needed a respec, and thats really anoying becaus then you need to respec again just to fix a certain armor piece or what ever.

In other words, for it to work its more easy to have more levels so we can enjoy the new stronger feats without having to miss something else.

I also agree with you. I would love to see more building pieces, more unique Thralls and Thralltypes (musicians, wards and more), more pets - even unique pets, more dungeons, more recipes, more materials to deal with, more armor and even civil clothing, more weapons - especially unique weapons, jewelry, capes, siege engines, traps and an expansion of the current map - maybe a new map you can enter via a portal from the old map - stop I canā€™t hold my imagination :crazy_face:. The point is - this all could be getting possible when they are finished implementing the core features I mentioned above and when they are willing to support this game massively also in the future. I will hope so, really. About the levels: yes so much more possibilities should go ahead with more levels but it should never be possible to learn everything so you are forced to specialize. You will say: but you can take a yellow lotus potion and learn new everytime you want - thatā€™s right and because of that I would suggest to limit the possibility of this potion to a special amount of using per time. I must say right now I am playing on a heavy modded dedicated server with 10-30 players without issue and with a levelmod which gives us access to the recipes of the mod glasconstructions and more (there are recipes you can only get with level 75). Itā€™s really fun and maybe without mods I wouldnā€™t play this game anymore. So I can totally understand this point of view.

Thats great to hear you have a good time on your preferred server/mods.

I play vanilla with just more exp/harvest and thats ok, i must admit i am tempted to test the mods you talk about, but imo thiere are features in the mod scene that should be considered to me implemented in the core game.

And you are right, you have the incentive to play more because you have a longer life span using those mods then most other players playing vanilla.

This is my point exactly, and the reason i think many many players will return to the game, because for me the only reason for playing after 60 is to finish thrall hunting and defend a couple of purges, after that you are lost in the twilight zone with out any goal or meaning to keep playing.

This is why and the reason for people to leave the game right now, its really a great game, but you have explored the game as-is, and have nothing more to do, so you wait for more to do thats all.

And what is stronger in\centive then tier 4 building and tier 4 weapons in a new tier 4 zone?
I dont see any features that can compare to this at all, and as the game runs totally fine for me i have no problems paying for some hunderds of hours of more gameplay.

Its like this, you get used to the controles, the ai and the buiolding system, you dont need to change game, you need the existing game to give you more work thats all really and id be happy and so will many many others that have outplayed the game many times allready.

Either a full exp pack, or Exiles 2!

Do you play singleplayer or online? Even online, the game is easy enough to solo everything, no exception, they just need to create that ā€œharder zoneā€, with tougher enemies, then bam! there you go, new content!

Harder recipes can be obtained like the ones already exist, the Maproom, SL, Barrow King, Frost temple, Etc.

You see, no need for more levels to get recipes, and be thankful you have lotus potion to reset points, you donā€™t even have to create another character for that like in most games you would have to.

You are asking for more feats while the ones we have are not even balanced/finished, let them fix the core game before asking for more. They need to revamp the current ones before adding more that will screw the balance even more, you seem desperate fearing the game becoming static and dying before the time, I get it, we all want the game to live long, but first we need to have its features working as intended, fun and ā€œfairā€ for everyone, understand this : the more they add, more bugs will happens, more stressed players = less players = dead game.

Just to comment on the level increase, NO.

60 is fine, a level increase wonā€™t make the game better just slightly longer. You can add tons of end-game content or even more early game content without locking it behind a level requirement that separates low levels even further from a chance at survival.

As for more feats for new recipes, they could offer ways to increase our max number of feat points whether it be achievement based or item acquisition. Point being they donā€™t need to add more levels to accomplish this, it can be done with the completion of content.

Well, you just agree to my point really, harder zone because we are to strong for the content at once we hit 60, and if you read my post i am talking about the fact that after a while you have nothing more to do, even if you like the game, and thats to bad.
I dont really need levels if there was more content to explore and use the epic items for.
I play online.

I am not desperate at all, in fact i want the same as you said, a new zone with harder content, and imo this is what most people want because there are not to much to do after the perfect castle is built and the dungeons mastered.
After you hit 60, how long was it before you had the best weapon and armor?
Now, i felt like ok, so what now, i had to kill the baddest mobs in the game to get this armor and weapon, but i killed them with a lower tier to get them, now how is that logic?

Why do i have a higher tier when i didnt really need them?
Yes, they make the same kill easyer, but so what, you have obviesly killed them using a lower tier equip, and then you do it again but easyer with no reward?
In fact, the first time you got the recipie wasnt even a reward because all the equip was good for is pvp.

Now, if that same boss could drop something more, now we talk a whole other ballgame, and that would for sure keep the interrest up.
Things that where wery rare, and you needed to farm, thereby really need the best equip because that makes the fight easyer.
Maybe pieces of recipies that needed to be put together or something, and then, only then you could be strong enough to master the new dungeon or zone etc.
One pice from every boss would also be good, 4 pieces to make a unique sword and you need to kill the boss solo or whatever.

If that was to be the case it should and must be recognized as a unique item in the game world, either by an aura or a certain look that others may see from a distance.
They should be rare, and they should give the player the respect and use of it, so its not just invetory glamour.
And Funcom should not include those items in the admin panel at all, they need to keep some secrets really, and its only fun after all.,

If some boss or zone in the game needed you to have certain weapon or armor to master, then the incentive to keep playing is there, but as long as there are no use for new items, whats the point of getting them?

Remember that i talk about the fact that you allready have buildt your castle many times, fought purges and hunted all the thralls awaileble.

Remember what the reason was in the first place to ding 60.
In fact there is no reason if there are noting more to hunt, hence my plea for more real content, not skins.
Skins are for bragging, and this isnt a mmo so theres not a lot of people admiring your build every day right?
In this game i have never used a weapon solely because it looks good, typically you run arround with the best for the job at hand.
Nothing is worse then a good looking weapon that do no damage:)

It`s all about some sort of progress i guess, and thats what i am looking for on behalf of the players that like the game but feel the need for new goals.
And i know its a sandbox gameā€¦thats why we need more sand!

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Unless youā€™re a PvE player, you forgot something, PvP. Iā€™ve been on a war in my server for like 1 month non stop, actually, I only stop at weekends because is the time im working, but once you done building and exploring, theres always something happening on PvP servers because of human factor, and thats what I like in these type of games.

Donā€™t get me wrong, as you said, I want the same as you (apart from levels :stuck_out_tongue:) , but know that even they adding more content now, you will be asking for more again in no time, the game has been release a few months ago, broken, unfinished, and because of the era we live, players consume content too fast, a fact, but people need to understand they gotta fix and tweak the current content before adding more.

So, in a nutshell, having more (broken) content now wonā€™t save the game, just having more things to complain, trust me, unless FC bosses really start to care about the game and its community, we will see less and less ppl on Conan because the upcomming games have more ā€œseriousā€ ppl making them, sad but true.

I had so many hopes that FC was going to do right this time, watching the streams and developerā€™s diary last year, but unless the guy in charge there step away, this company will be always filled by devs with brilliant ideas but poor execution.

I like the idea of more levels but only insofar as they give you a very minor bonus: eg 1 extra attribute point or a couple of extra health. No more feats etc after level 60.

I find that once you reach level 60, thereā€™s no point of killing things, exploring, or completing journey steps. It would be nice if those extra experience points were doing something for you, however minor.

I feel the same, unless your gathering resources from killing things, why would I do it. It would be nice if you could keep leveling or growing your character somehow! And yes there are Pve players that want other things to do and the purge to work. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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