Havent u watched the stream yesterday? Last second of the stream they showed a riding horse. Mount is by far the most missed feature from early access.
Seems like they have fixed the technical issue and maybe this is the special surprise thats going to be revealed at twitchcon. We will here more today!
Wishful thinking or is this legit? I was just wandering the desert looking for feathers (!!!) and wished I had a horse… all I found were hungry sand beasts and the grave
I have no idea why there is so much need fpr Mounts.
The Map is not as so much big. You are everywhere within Minutes. Especially
when your Base is in a smart,central Position. And Mounts are not a reason to play
Conan new or longer
Well, down side of this is, that nobody will ever take a no from Funcom as a secure thing and will keep speculating and asking. It’s not the worst thing but still important in player developer relationship.
Personally I was more excited about sorcery than about mounts. Still very good news for the game!
With the majority of bases so big that they don’t load up for a minute or two when you run up on them now has loading of building been improved to coincide with the release of mounts?
Why bother with mounts it will be just another ■■■■ up, the servers are so poor even with 30/40 players Gportal, add in mounts just another thing the servers have to handle. They will lag an skip all over the place.
I hope mounts will not work like in MMOs. I mean summon your mount anywhere and send it to another dimension when you no longer need it. CE is a survival game, we need more realism and constraints!
I hope that the horse will stay even when it’s not used, that it will be necessary to return to it when it’s needed. In fact I would like him to act like any domesticated animal of the game, with the possibility to ride him