Hello Ignasis. I have a question about the mentioned music above.
We are planing to make a video for our private dedicated CE Server and a video of the cities and places we built. Therefore we would like to use parts of the music from Conan Exiles and Age of Conan. It’s a non commercial video introducing the game on our server for people who maybe interested to play the game. We want to post it here in the forum, in our discord, on Steam and on YouTube.
I would like to ask for permission, please.
Hey BiJay!
We have a video use policy statement up on our website for just such a purpose!
It states: “Funcom Oslo AS permits you to create free or ad-supported videos (including Let’s Plays, Twitch streams, walkthroughs, speed runs, reviews, commentary and educational use material) that use captured or streamed video from all video games that we publish.”
So using footage from the game is A-OK for us
However, since you’re specifically asking about music we’re entering into a somewhat muddier territory.
As it says in our video use policy: “There are times that Funcom licenses music from others for inclusion in our games. These licenses only cover use by Funcom, which means music labels/companies that have automated systems in place may flag a copyright issue on any video featuring a track. If you believe your use was flagged incorrectly, please let us know but be aware that we cannot always assist in these matters.”
I do know of a couple of cases where content creators on YouTube have been hit with copyright strikes for using music from AoC and Conan Exiles in their monetized videos. The original composer is the owner of the music, we’re only licensed to use it in game. Since you’re using this for a non-commercial video I think you’ll be okay, but I can’t guarantee it.
TL;DR: Funcom allows you to create videos that use captured video from all games we publish. Music is a grey area and there are cases where automated systems might flag a copyright issue on a track you’re using.
I have a few videos with some music from CE and AoC in them posted. I will not be monetizing my account and have not been flagged for copyright issues. I do have some copyrighted music that I have been flagged for that I did use for CE videos. The warnings stated that there was no issue as long as i did not monetize the account.
My guess is that what Jens Erik said will hold, but there is no guarantee.
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