Hello! I don’t know if this suggestion would be liked by everyone however, I think most who play on official servers would accept it and would appreciate it.
What bothers me the most and I hear complain is that there are no administrators on these servers.
Perhaps because they cost Funcom, they are nonexistent. My suggestion is that there were volunteer administrators! Of course they should be impartial, responsible, loving and devoted to Conan Exiles. I have no idea how to make a selection of this kind, maybe the game itself points to the most faceted and fit gamers to take such a position. An incentive would be needed, of course, maybe free DLCs or something. There is also a big problem with the language. We in Latin America have difficulties to follow and make themselves understood. An adm who understood the Portuguese / Spanish language even if he did not master the language perfectly would help a lot, making it easier for players to understand, keeping order and peace on the server.
It is just something that has crossed my mind, having seen myself lack this assistance.
Here’s the tip!
Nope, not in my name. They just need to fix the game and revamp the claim mechanic. “Absolute power corrupts absolutely”.
Let us have anarchy at least in videogames.
Your friendly neighbourhood Gaetano Bresci.
I totally agree. We can’t keep playing on OFFICIAL SERVERS with dupers, glitchers, etc. That’s just stupid.
If you find an exploit you’re going to use it. It’s the human animal nature, I bet you too climb on walls when a boss is too powerfull, it’s natural and I’m not bashing you for it.
We as players just need to provide insight and suggestions on how to fix the issues so that it can’t be done no more, so we can experience total entropy, chaos and anarchy, i play pvp because I like the unpredictability of players, even when I’m on the loser side.
There’s a million private servers if you can’t play without an authoritarian figure present in the game.
Again “absolute power corrupts absolutely”.
That’s not a glitch, that’s using the environment, a glitch could be something like undermesh or doing things you’re not supossed to just to get an advantage over the rest. Climbing a wall to save yourself its a normal mechanic. An authoritarian figure is someone who let doesn’t cheaters cheat? Well, of course I want that. It’s unfair to play against cheaters, and just the idea of having no control at all on OFFICIAL servers it’s stupid.
I think you should report the undermeshers, with pictures or video, spamming foundation is one thing, but undermeshing on pvp servers another and funcom is going to act.
They were reported before, they activate god bubbles every 30 minutes and there are videos of the logs and they’re still playing, so, unless Funcom does something about that, they’ll continue.
I appreciate it, but I’ve done that before with a VIDEO as a proof, I don’t know what else I could give, I don’t know how to reproduce those bugs, glitches, or whatever they are.
Funcom does what they can to fix the problems but they don’t have the funding to moderate. A report system is a waste of money. It’s the players responsibility to learn the game and protect themselves from dishonest players.
Putting any player in charge of a PvP admin panel is a great way to see player attendance drop off. The admin will inevitably abuse the power. I would quit playing any server where there is visible admin presence.
I for one absolutely will not cheat in a game of any type. I believe cheating is only cheating yourself.
on testlive us2 I found an exploit, I turned it in.
Years ago when the game Doom was popular I told my brother in law I had reached a certain level,
he said he had beaten the game, turned out he used a cheat code.
I may have never finished that game, but in my book he didn’t beat it either.
I can honestly say the only video game I have ever 100% beaten was Road Rash, but I beat it, no code no cheat, just skill.
It’s not the same. I preffer a mod to corroborate things than I having to do it instead of being playing, for example, going underground to see if there is any undermesh base, I don’t wanna do that glitch myself to prove that are glitchers on the server, I don’t wanna be one of them. A mod shouldn’t be allowed to play on the same server he’s moderating, and could be rated from the same people on the server he’s moderating with some rating system, like the server stars.
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