My thralls die, for no reason at all

Two archers yesterday, one cook today, and in the log there is just this line:

“Lone Fisherman owned by (my clan) died. (2)”


Thalls can get in to fights now. If they lose the fight, they will die. Also, I’m guessing you didn’t build a tavern? Build a tavern, you can literally buy thralls there. I have a named smelter, blacksmith, and a cook I purchased from the bar. Plus, the lone fisherman is a guarantee spawn. Just go grab another one. It gives you a reason to get out of the “house”. LOL.

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Ahoi, i loose 7 (!) name Thralls since the update. My Thralls are “prisoned” in the second floor, reachable only by an elevator. How should they get in fights ? The journal only says the same: “XXX owned by Clan died”
Maybe anyone has some ideas or any solution ?

Great “update” wasn’t it?

Certainly, acquiring new ones is a straightforward solution. It’s a routine aspect of life in Conan—hardly a concern. What other options are there? In Conan, our daily tasks involve farming, building, and recruiting. Occasionally, fighting is necessary. It’s all integral to the gameplay. Thralls frequently perished from lack of food in the past. Perhaps this mechanic has returned; I haven’t experienced any losses since the update, so it might be an issue specific to your situation.

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Whats your thrall cap?

Great indeed, and consider that I had already considered the loss of four barkeepers and five craftsmen as a given (I had recovered two from 0,0,0 but for the others, returning to home, there had been nothing to be done).

Losing a thrall in combat is ok, and I can see from the log who killed it. For those cases, there is nothing written, just that it died.

Some explanations and options here:

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Sorry, thats BS !
My crafters are dead - not spawning at 0,0… and btw, if they would, its crap too.
wasn´t as bad, if they bring one f*** update with mistakes…but, there are lots of known bugs, with every update more of them, and the old ones don´t get solved… S***com.

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If you are solo 65 is the cap, and if you go over the limit it breaks random thralls from you/your clan though.

@den @AndyB @Community :

See above. Another player would like to have a word or two with you.

Did you guys check your thrall-limit? Crafters count against this limit now :point_up_2:
So if you are already at the limit and then put your crafters into the world, some of your thralls will die.

That’s not my case, I’m currently 55, in fact, I’m going to see if anyone else has died.

Its not a problem you caused. Its a known bug since the update.

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When my blacksmith went missing I had two thralls, total.

uhh,…really afraif of it …

Look closely and you’ll see it died TWICE and is neither at G9 nor 0,0,0.

I have a tavern, never ever seen a t4 in a tavern, it’s always lively and I love it. But T4, I didn’t have the pleasure of meeting one yet.