Need an official answer about 3 Skull maesltrom bosses

Like I said before, I was literally fighting the guy kiting these storm bosses into our base because we are on a PvE-C server and he did it during PvP hours. It was just me on and between fighting the bosses and him, I ended up dying. So he got my gear and our T3 blacksmith due to structures being destroyed by the bosses. We lost a lot more that he didn’t loot, but yes, someone purposely lured storm bosses into our base, not once, but two or three times.

I will gladly take any given punishment for lying. Why would I risk getting myself banned when I know for a fact what I witnessed and dealt with. I’m not even asking for them to ban him or give us our stuff back. This entire thread is to get a response from Funcom on whether or not this is an intended feature. If they answer yes, than I guess I’ll go find some other game to play because in my opinion, that is a feature just waiting to be exploited on PvE servers where player structure damage isn’t supposed to be possibble, at least caused by other players.

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I feel you man we all hate losing stuff. But why build so close to a storm and risk greifers doing that? Just build further out. Conan is brutal. On the contrary, visual proof is still needed of the guy doing it for action to be taken. Not just “pictures of a destroyed base”, i believe. Gotta think in terms of a “crime scene”, like anyone can take a picture of a destroyed base and stretch the truth. Footage will help you out a ton man.

I completely agree that this is griefing and on a PvE-C server should not be something that can happen. But, there’s lots of weird things that can happen on a PvE-C server that probably shouldn’t.

However, on my PvE server, a bunch of clans have put down wheelhouses in that same area and they’re all lined with large numbers of pets.

I think even without a player pulling mobs intentionally you still might have problems with mobs coming out of the storm on their own.

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Zenefri, you are completely missing the point. It doesn’t matter where you build. Storm mobs can be kited across the map so long as the storm is active.

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Im calling your bluff lol. Got video proof cause thats a stretch man.

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You got video proof it can’t happen? Go test it on single player or an official server and see how far you can drag storm bosses outside the storm. In the meantime, since you just joined the forums 10 hours ago and have done nothing but create a circular argument after being repeatedly told the situation, I’ll do myself the favor and stop responding to you from this point on. I’m looking for an answer from Funcom and your input is benefiting no one.

Actually, I’d be willing to bet you’re Siptah simply based off your trollish comments.

  1. Dont come to forums seeking answers from the community if you are going to trash our viewpoints and opinions about how the game can be played. I provided you with my opinion on what I believe (MY OPINION) about how the game is played and from what you posted as a thread has displayed no “evidence” of your claim.

  2. Your claim is very valid in that monsters shouldn’t be able to walk about outside the maletsrom and i would also like to know an answer, which is why i created this account because I wanted to jump into the conversation because the topic peaked my interest. DO NOT name players (as i assume you are doing at the end of your last reply to me) as other people have stated here previously. Name shaming is against the rules and is frowned upon HUGELY.

  3. I think you’re very mad youre not getting an answer from funcom, but to be honest there probably wont be anything done because like i’ve said before (more nicely), you dont have evidence except a picture of you standing on your destroyed structure. YOU NEED IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE, so post some links if you have any.

  4. Do the community/forums a favor and dont ask for answers if you are not going to take other players opinions kindly. The only troll sounds like you when you get emotional and makes us half believe your story. Sounds like youre just mad your base was destroyed and your blamming it on someone you hate in your server (we all have those players we hate, it makes the servers go round).

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This issue should be addressed, I too have build close to the storm but not inside the storm for a reason… not to being damaged by it…


Seems to be the no build zone, not sure if that includes the corners but I have a fish shack in F11 and a base in K11 where Im not able to place stuff during storm.

Well, there are 2 buffer zones. There is the inner zone in which players receive the debuff with the tornado icon on their UI. This area is also a more violent version of the storm visually. Then you have another buffer outside of this one where the storm is less violent, but you are not allowed to build in it during the storm. Outside of that, where players are free to build, even during the storm is where our base was built. Our base was there for 2 weeks without any such attack from storm mobs, despite us fighting in and around our base during the storm.

After we figured out a way to spawn storm bosses, we did so with care so not to cause issues. One of our last events doing this we announced it to the server and asked people who hadn’t seen storm bosses to come visit, which some did. The person responsible for kiting storm bosses into the inner sanctum of our base showed up to this event to steal chaos from our kills. Unfortunately for this person, their ego outweighed their skill and they got themselves killed by us. After this incident, I’m sure the player was extremely upset that his plans to harass our event failed. This became obvious when said individual made claims in global chat that he would kite storm bosses into our base.

So, after 2 weeks of zero issues with storm mobs at our base. It’s obvious this person did exactly that because when we were all logged off sleeping and logged back in the next day, part of our base was destroyed. This is when I moved certain crafting stations that were near the damage. That same day, during PvP hours, the same person once again came back to do the same tactic to destroy our base. This is when I ended up dying because I couldn’t kill both the storm bosses and him.

This individual did this a total of 3 times and claims it never happened, despite me fighting him the second time during PvP hours. However, despite all this, I don’t even care about him or his stupid exploit. I just want an answer from Funcom about storm mobs and it seems we may never know. It’s really not a hard question either and I’m sure they should know whether storm mobs were meant to exist outside the maelstrom. The entire point of this thread is so players on PvE servers who’s structures are supposedly safe from other players can know without a doubt that where they build is safe from said exploits.

I just want an answer from Funcom. I can deal with the idiot on our server legitimately because some of us don’t need to exploit the game mechanics and harass other players.

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Yeah the mobs should n’t attack your base outside the storm debuf zone right?
I think the solution is simple just despawn the mobs outside the debuff zone.


Originally that is what we thought since we did some testing before we even built our base. We would attack storm mobs and run for the border. At first they were all despawning far before ever reaching the area we built our base. So we built our base about 50 tiles from where they were despawning. At that point, we would use T1 foundations to bridge that 50 tile gap in which we could create a controlled storm boss summon in the storm, yet 50 tiles from our base. So said player was somehow able to get storm bosses to spawn in near our base after that and did so at least 3 times. One of which I bear witnessed to and tried to kill the storm boss but was unable to stop it.

Anyhow, I agree and think that no matter what the situation, in order to prevent this player caused damage by kiting storm bosses out of the normal despawn area into other people’s bases should be deemed an exploit until Funcom can either make a decision or fix the mechanic to force storm mobs to despawn at a certain range from the storm regardless of the situation.


This is getting a serious issue right now…

More and more players (trolls) know about this exploit and lure mobs outside the storm to other players bases…

The mobs SHOULD despawn outside the storm marking.
I did n’t build inside the storm so why should I be victim…


At this moment I have to repair my base sometimes more than once daily…
Because someone (I dont know who, during offline time) keeps pulling the demons to my base and they attack my base instead of chasing that player

I built T3, but that does n’t seem to matter, cause everything I must repair is just broken (gone) there are no pieces damaged, it is just gone… like it took 1 hit to break a piece.

I’ve seen 1 player going out of the storm while he got chased by demons, these demons attacked my base, I asked him if he can go around my base and he does that credits to him <3, my base got less damaged… but someones trolling me during offline or when I’m not at my base.

I say once more, my base is NOT inside the storm.

But this is getting pretty annoying…

I understand your annoyance. This is happening on the official PVE server I play on. Kiting maelstrom spawns to destroy others structures that are well outside the maelstrom area is a real thing.

Players are openly admitting in global chat that they are poison farming mobs, lagging out and even crashing the server but they don’t care. Players are using poison arrows on other players during the storm & it’s damaging the health of thralls & pets, then they brag about killing them.

Stealing and killing other players summoned surge thralls are a real & constant thing. We haven’t bothered summoning one yet as we know it will end in disaster due to griefing. A clan on the server lost their entire summoned surge - it took 22 minutes to cook the chaos, and the marker on the map gave the griefers plenty of time to set up.


That sucks Mumra, makes me glad we hired a server

Is this on PvE too?

Yep, official PVE. I didn’t think it was possible but it’s happening on the one we are on.

Hmm I really hope some defense thralls/pets near the base would solve the problem of getting the base damaged, since latest hotfx. But I doubt it since the 3 skull bosses are too strong for them.

Max 3 mobs is better than 100 mobs destroying bases OUTSIDE the maelstrom.

But they should really make sure the mobs despawn outside the storm.
Its crazy 2 days ago the demons still spawn way way outside the storm when I was overrun and I was running away from the storm for safety.

(or make the demons deal no damage to structures OUTSIDE the storm)

This happened to me tonight - in the role of the “griefer” albeit unintentionally: my Thralling base (if I ever manage to farm enough ???/chaos for a Surge LOL!) lies quite close to the Maelstrom zone, but outside it. While building a fence, I happened to build into what turned out to be just inside the Maelstrom zone before angling back out.

Cue a siege elder thingy spawning on next Maelstrom, which proceeds to kill my Greater Bear (RIP old friend), destroy half my base, and then it continued onto my neighbors land where it gutted his half-built base as well.

I was even able to loot his stuff that dropped from a destroyed fireplace?? (nothing of value, but the principle made me go ??? enough that maybe I should put myself on the Leyshrine!).

All this on an Official PvE server, mind. Seems like a pretty serious bug/griefing potential.

Thank Crom my main base is FAR from the Maelstrom!
@Ignasi is it possible for you to query the team whether it’s intentional that PvE players can use Elder Siegebeasts like this?

Edit: Base in question is here - while close, still quite a bit outside the Maelstrom!