Needing some Help with Crashing

There has been alot of crashes since the last update and for some the mods do not work, looking at the snippet of your log that you posted to me it looks like a mod has caused this error.

Here is where you can post a bug report NEW Bug Report Template - #4 by AndyB

I would try the game without the mods to see if the base game runs ok then start adding the mods until you find the one that has caused this crash, I have not seen anything that looks like this since I have been looking at the logs from the last update, and as I have no mods installed, to me this seems as a mod is causing this issue for you.

AB_Master_HumanNPC_male_C /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.HumanoidNPCCharacter_20percentbigger_noknockout_C_0.CharacterMesh0.AB_Master_HumanNPC_male_C_0