New Bug Report Template (Xbox)

Bug Reporting Template

We’re testing out a new forum component that allows for drop down menus and forms. While this is not a perfect solution for bug report forms, the goal is to make bug reporting easier and smoother.

This is far from a final version and is subject to change or even be scrapped. Thank you!

Once you fill out the form, the information prints in a box at the bottom of this post. Please scroll down so you can copy and paste for your own bug report.

Basic Info

Please fill out the following:

Select your platform

Select issue type

Select game mode

Select server type

Select map

Enter server number or name

Bug Description:

Describe the issue. Please be thorough.

Bug Reproduction:

Please describe the steps you took to cause this bug to happen.

Finishing your report!

The information you filled out should now be listed below. :point_down:
Please copy this info and paste it into a new report. Thank you!

Basic Info:

Platform: =PLATFORM=
Issue Type: =ISSUE TYPE=
Game Mode: =GAME MODE=
Server Type: =SERVER TYPE=
Map: =MAP=
Server Name: =SERVER NAME=

Bug Description:


Bug Reproduction: