New DLC with quests wanted

RTS?? Oh didn’t know that
Anyways back to topic I love this game and just hope they keep improving and providing options for the gameplay.

Yes eventually quests get repetitive also but it adds to the bigger scope of the game.

NPC factions would further add a level of depth
A friendly interactive city would be very welcome
Extra dungeons hell yeah !

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Updated main post with some of the ideas placed in a bulleted list

I don’t think quests in the traditional sense have a place in this game. There is no core currency, its all about evolving and improving your quality of life and protection and there are many ways they could do that like adding more custom map markers to use, increasing our feat points so we can hold more recipes, turning some recipes permanent, or even providing us exclusive recipes related to the faction we work for.

Having interactions with other factions could give us unique experiences depending on how we treat their requests and could severely alter the server world and its factions territories. The mentioned adding more npc camps and I think having some “battle zones” would be a nice touch to this, with factions battling over smaller camps and rewarding those allied with the factions that cover more ground. This would be a constantly changing mechanic so participation would be both important and rewarding to control the lands around them and reap the benefits.

As far as a DLC, I doubt they would lock such a feature behind any payment. They have tried to release strictly cosmetic dlc’s to not have any impact on gameplay so nobody feels a “pay to win” presence. This has remained mostly true where you don’t get any benefit from purchasing their DLC or unique content and I believe will remain that way.

If they were to add quests to this game they should do it through the named NPCs, like Conan for example. These named NPC’s would have a level based storyline that sends the players through different caves and vistas then end with a dungeon run. IMO, this would be way better and more engaging than the current Journey system they have now.

I also think it would be cool if they were to add player standing for Cities/factions like Sepermaru. The way this would work is, if the player trades with the trader NPC’s in the city, which they should add more of, then they develop a positive standing. Which would allow the players to recruit thralls from that city for gold. However, If the player constantly raids and kill/enslave from that city then they develop a bad standing with them. Which would increase the chance of the player getting purged by that faction.

Conan already gives us a quest, sort of. There’s just no reward from him, or even any changed dialogue. But completing the quest does make a new talkable NPC with interesting tidbits of lore available.

Razma’s dialogue suggests that she has talked to Conan after being freed, but Conan still keeps asking us if we’ve seen her anywhere. I guess that’s what spending all your time in a bar does even to someone with Cimmerian constitution.

I wouldn’t mind seeing more like this. Nothing drastic, no world-shaking events. Just little things that make the world seem alive and evolving.

Quests, provided they are generic enough, wouldn’t limit the game or it’s flow at all. They’d have to be entirely optional, like the current main quest and the journey steps. The quests I had in mind, would be akin to the “terminal missions” of SWG or the “Radiant AI” quests in Skyrim (which is pretty generic stuff like kill things at location XY or gather X amount of Y).
As for factions that would depend on their implementation. They don’t have to restrict your freedom in any way if done right and again would be optional.

Having more options to how the game is approached is a good thing that will draw more players in.

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