I doubt food will last longer than 3-4 days unless you abuse the broken pork loins with 24 hour spoil timer. So in short its a new decay system where you need to collect and cook food and place in x bins. So we are down to shorter away timers like in ARK.
For those who didn’t see the last update from tascha in an other similar thread.
So, this pretty clear to me, and exactly what i was expecting.
It will pretty much work as the decay sytem but instead of “refreshing” your building pieces / bases with the presence of your character and some construction materials, you will need to pay a “feeding” visit to all your thralls that are spread out all over the map.
here is the link to the other thread in case some of you are interested and didn’t see it yet :
Yeah, bad idea. I don’t mind having to feed pets, but thralls is just grind/management that doesn’t improve immersion or fun. Please re-evaluate that plan.
I started a new suggestion to talk about ideas about what can be done to improve the system as a way of maybe giving ideas that could be used to improve it.
ok i have just read it.
nice that you are trying to improve sthing that is dividing the community, but untill it’s implemented (in testive at least) it’s still hard to suggest things imo. now it’s more wait , see and finally suggest.
but let me react to your thread then.
Thanks as i agree as we won’t know fully until it is on testlive as all we have to go on so far is from the information we got from the newsletter.
exactly. But your intention is good and i bet many will add their voice there. We will only be really effective / relevant with our suggestions once we will have seen this new feature running in our own game.
Cheers hrukk
Are you talking about the fish? I do put them in the fluid press. But only the unappetizing fish are the most resourceful. Savory fish give you 1 oil per 10 fish (I think the number is 10), so they end up expiring before most of them can be converted to oil. And exotic fish don’t make oil. I know the Wiki says that they do, but I’ve tried putting loads of exotic fish in my fluid press and nothing happens (PS4).
I think it is 10 for exotic on my end and 5 for savory.
I already wrote in another topic that the main thing that I expect from this innovation is the “Disable” button in the game settings .
Firstly, I believe that such a micromanagement simply kills the gameplay of the game. If it can still be somehow justified in the early stage of the game, then later, when a player (or clan), who owns dozens of settlements and hundreds of tralls, is forced to personally run all these settlements and put food in the feeding troughs - this is nonsense. In the same way as you yourself cut down the forest and extract ore. This should be done by tralls. If you can not (or do not want to) create an AI capable of this - at least do not overload players with such processes!
The Fallout 4 mentioned here, by the way, suffers from the same disease: I saved the world, I became a hero, I built two dozen settlements and gathered hundreds of inhabitants in them - but I still have to personally collect tins in dumps to cover another the roof .
Secondly, all my previous experience in the game (and I bought it on the first day of early access) says that with the new mechanics we will get a new batch of bugs. Therefore, I am categorically against the introduction of some new mechanisms, until the problems with existing bugs are solved. Otherwise, we’ll all just drown in these bugs. What is the most primitive bug with the reset of HP tralls to 100 units with each server load, which “kills” the protection of the bases - but at the same time Fankom for a month can not fix it. Now let’s add a problem with hunger for these half-dead poor ?
Yeah, that would be ideal.
Lets see how the implement the mechanic before people decide to riot. Coming from having played ARK feeding pets is normal to me, but I agree that it can be a pain.
As long as there is some type of object like a feeding trough that people can eat out of I dont have a problem with it and think it is a pro for the game. If i have to go to each thrall individually though to feed them one at a time i will not be happy. This is especially true of workbench thralls whos inventory cannot be accessed currently.
They also need to balance how quickly thralls loose food, I think it should be slower than a player, you should not have to put a stack of food on them more than once a day at most.
They could make the feeding into an advantage if they made different types of food buff the thralls, like being able to use potions on them, or the food heal them faster or high their food give thralls a buff where low their food just maintains them. You could even have thralls eat more while fighting, especially if using the food to regen health the way a player would. With those type of mechanics people would be more than happy to take the time to stock their thralls so that they were more effective.
Top priority with thralls needs to be their agro and fighting or not fighting, being able to set some like work bench ones to passive, and them getting back to their spot quickly after fighting and not blocking the walk ways.
Just imagine if these feeding troughs work like preservation bins.
That pork loin will have a spoil timer of 480 hours.
Fill all of your feeding troughs with pork loins, good to go for a month!
Assuming no extra preservation. Unless they come up with another comedy and adds a requirement like ice. Then most food items in a stack of 50 will spoil around 2-4 days without any consumption. With the exception of pork loin and salted jerky and dried food. And all 3 isn’t practically viable for different reasons.
But I have a feeling dried food and pork loins will be “desired”.
Well, apparently, there will be some “boxes” with food for tralls. If Fauckom makes us chase each slave separately and feed them with a spoon this will be too much !
But, for example, I’ve been playing for a long time, singleplay, on a private server. I built about two dozen large settlements, and I’m going to continue. How often do I have to run around all of them to replenish the food supplies for tralls? And that the food spoils, and fast enough, we remember? Do I have time for anything else?
I think, and this is my opinion, that doesn’t matter what they do to a point at least initially, it will be always open for change and tweaks (remember the earlier temp system? I stopped playing due to its introduction myself.)
BUT, what everyone should be doing is pressuring/insisting on the NEED that this new thing be optional to server owners. It is not fair that new obnoxious stuff they add is only removable via mods as not everyone can/want to use mods and mod lists to remove annoying things could be getting pretty large by the end of development (Thinking specifically about certain sound that was added and can only be removed via a mod…)
This is what a veteran of 4 months playing official server thinks about option and obligations:
Winter is coming.
What I’m gonna do is make a “few” grinders…go with an encumbrance build and take out as many stones as I can find using two star metal picks…put all of those stones into those grinders. if I need more grinders, I’ll make them!
Then go out with my trusty star metal sickle and get as much plant fiber as I can find. Take salt out of the grinders and replace it with plant fiber. Again if I need more grinders, I’ll make them.
Then switch my build and go up to the Highlands area and make the boars an endangered/extinct species.
Take all of that meat home, load up my stove and make as many cooked pork strips as I possibly can.
Then make large preservation bins to accommodate all of those cooked pork strips. Considering the pork strips have an expiration time of 480 hours in a preservation bin, I’ll be good to go whenever this measure is implemented. I likely won’t have to go out and gather food to feed the peasants til Spring.
I think the population of Boars will be put to pressure coming next big patch Lets hope they don’t go extint…
Just a question though, wouldn’t be better to just farm the Abyssal remnant as store his meat, since it doesn’t spoil?
Lol I was thinking exactly that Leeux.
But for now I think I will be sticking with gruel … 100 stack with reasonable decay time very quickly made … simply take a sickle out with you and slash away through the undergrowth as you are running from place to place will yield sufficient seeds and an excessive amount of plant fibre.