I have over 3,320 hours game play in CE.
I bought every DLC as they came out when I could but now I miss out on so much because of the stupid bazaar and battle pass system I now longer support you financially.
I have missed out on so many cool building sets, armours and weapons and other purchasable customisables because I didn’t have the spare money at the time they were released to buy and then they are gone from the bazaar.
At least when it was a DLC release I could buy it whenever I was able to off Steam but now you have made it very hard for me to enjoy adding your cool stuff to my game.
And now you f__k with the melee combat system once again…
WTF !!!
Seriously @Funcom, what the hell are you guys thinking changing the combat system once again. Last time you changed the melee system in a major way you completely put me off using my favourite melee weapon. One handed swords. The movement set you came up with was just stupid so now I no longer use them.
And now you have just gone and made a critical mistake thinking that changing the melee combat from being able to turn with your mouse during a movement so that you need to press a movement key to turn during melee combat.
It’s just absolutely STUPID.
It’s not fun !
It’s not intuitive !
It doesn’t make any sense to change a mechanic that has worked for years.
My character is dying so much in heavy combat I just cannot stand to play much any more. I love every element of the game from base building, exploring, gathering resources and capturing thralls to break upon the wheel,
…and COMBAT.
Thankyou for ruining the combat for myself and thousands of other players. People who support you and this game we love.
PLEASE, please please, please change back the combat system.
Stop changing what is good and works perfectly fine.
Please put the creative juices into creating more excellent contents, stories, a new biome maybe
Keep your bazaar but bring back proper DLC packs as an option.
PS Change the melee combat back asap please.