New server PVPVE: `` [EU-RP-PVPVE] Galaecia. PVP with main base protection´´

-Hello to everyone. I invite you to join the server that I created, [ESP-RP-PVPVE] Galaecia. The main objective of this server is to get a fun but controlled PVP. If you are mature Gamers like me, you will surely understand me when you like these survival-type games, but you can not be as many hours connected as before, nor overwhelmed thinking that you can root the base, and that you have invested many hours in it for nothing. Therefore, I have created the server so you can always rest assured that your main base will not be rooted, but I have left the fun risk that you could be assaulted anywhere, rob you, or root other secondary bases. For this I have put a series of rules in our discord server.

-Dont worry for wipes.

-Server name: [EU-RP-PVPVE] Galaecia. PVP with main base protection.
-Discord: aG3zfKU