Please add back a way to craft the old Undead. The legion warrior, skeleton, etc, it was so fun having so many options to choose from undead wise, even the undead hyena and kappa. It can be a new crafting mechanic using the shallow grave. Also please create and allow us to summon permanent demon thralls. It doesn’t have to be OP or too powerful and it can be like summoning the temporary demons. The demons could be Imps or maybe the demon model that the abyssal weapons and armor spawn on when you summon it. Maybe increase the timer on the demon horse and rhino? For the love of everything please fix the bug where your resurrected corpses die instantly when you rip bracelet while they are following you.
I’m guessing that the “old” undead followers will make a comeback in some shape or form in a future Season of the Age of Sorcery. The assets already exist, so it would make sense to reuse them at some point.
Perhaps witch doctory is the theme of one of the future seasons.