New Weapon Suggestions

Have daggers with an all green blade, call them the Jade Daggers, in honor of the JadePlaysGames Youtube Channel
Have a fancy sword with a horse tail at the end and it makes a Neigh! sound effect every time you equip it. In honor of JustHorse.
These are some of the big channels I follow, and if there’s any others and you have suggestions, let me know!

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He’s a newer YouTuber but I’ve found his videos on the new test live patch very informative but angry bull you could add a bull helmet or some battle axe could be a cool idea

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A conquerer can never have too many weapons surely. In addition to the previously requested Two-handed Battleaxe and the return of Crossbows (which now appears unlikely), here are a few ideas I came up with in my previous suggestions list. I for one would like to see the following make an appearance:

Schimitar- One which Im surprised hasnt made an appearance already, and feels right at home in the Conan world.
Scythe- Not to be confused with a sickle, a two-handed weapon/agricultural tool often used in revolutions. Great for eviscerations.
Morning Star- This would be very impressive to behold. A spiked ball and chain.
…and maaaybe (Im half-hearted on this one) a Whip. Although I am not sure if the physics of the latter two would render them improbable. Also armour wise, some Jester Armour or clothing would be nice.


2h axes, yes, want one yesterday. Ymir vult.


Can we get Polearms back to normal? We have 70 dmg on axes, swords, Maces can’t get a polearm past 57… take the bleed off and make the 4th hit a double strike or something.

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Consider taking stack off thrown items? I mean I know you are going for “realism” but the whole game contradicts that so instead of torturing us into never using axes, spears as main or offhands just make them no have a stack counter. I mean 10 stack is laughable honestly…

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The Turanian sword is a scimitar. The spiked mace already in the game IS a morning star. All weapon with a handle + a chain + a ball ARE flail even if AD&D wrote the contrary.

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