Next dlc? We cant wait. ☺️

Still waiting on Red Sonja armor…


i think it may end up being a license issue. I know that there is a movie that is off/on…last i heard it was on–minus Bryan Singer (perv issues again).
If there is a license fee, we may never see it, or it will be like the Conan 84 DLC. Be controlled aesthetically by the owners of the Red Sonja license that the licensee wants :confused:

No. Sorcerers in the Hyborean Age would be OP as hell. They were a bad idea in Age of Conan for that reason. Every single sorcerer proper in the Robert E. Howard stories was either hundred years old (many not fully human either), enpowered by an artifact, or both.


There is a mod that includes the armor. I think it’s called the barbaric armor or something like that.

We are not Conan. We are exiles. Necromancery isn’t witchcraft. The two are different. Sorcery isn’t witchcraft.

You play DnD, and read about modern paganism?

But the fine people at the English dictionary disagree with you, as they are synonyms of/for each other. necromancyDefinition

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You’re a dnd fan. You should know sorcery isn’t witchcraft or wizards. Wizards needs to use books. Sorcery doesn’t need books.

Calling Sorcery witchcraft is like calling an axe a sword.Both are weapons and slashing weapons.

Yep, I know the mod. Have it installed on my private server.

I just want to have it ingame as no mod. :slight_smile:

That’s a distinction that some game systems make and others don’t. It’s not a dictionary one.


This, DnD is its own thing.

What D&D has to do with Conan Exiles ? It’s a pen&paper RPG with rules that have nothing in common with those of CE.

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The witch doctor is not enough for you?
with magic you would be totally OP.
we are barbarians and not magicians. :grin::v:t4:

The should hurry up and put out the Hyperborean DLC, so they can get my money before I quit the game.

I started playing in April of this year and I achieved everything.
I have all the recipes, I’ve run all the dungeons.
I even played the new Warmaker Dungeon Online alone.
I also have platinum. For me, it ends only when the support for the game ends.

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Funcom will keep its promise.
At least Funcom takes care of the game. I can not say that about other publishers. :wink::v:t4:


Yes, I think Robert Howard may be the first guy to expand on the idea of a “lich”.

It’s true though, in the Howard universe almost no one can use magic unless they are 8000 year old sorcerers who can still run around after getting beheaded. Us petty exiles can never fathom magic.

I agree, it would have been cool to get the weapons from the movie. I definitely would have loved the hammer as that is what I always am using in the game. The other henchman who had that weird “double axe”, that would be a cool weapon to have as well.

@Alhambra The thing is that Conan Exiles is not a pure unadulterated REH experience. It also utilises lore from the Conan Expanded Universe, and also creates and introduces its own unique lore and original concepts. And I personally welcome this direction. I like more options. As I always say: “The option which presents more options is usually the better option” .We could hypothetically speaking have sorcery introduced via a boss battle with a sorcerer. Then after slaying him, we could consume his Heart to learn some of his powers. Much like we did with the Werewolfs flesh to learn the JhebbelSag religion, or scrolls from the Library of Esoteric Artifacts.

Yeah I would love to get hold of that Warhammer Alhambra, all of them to be honest. The Riddle of Steel was the one dlc which I wanted to see focus more on weapons than placeables, unfortunately it was the opposite. Im not going to give up on these little beauties, and will continue to raise the issue periodically.

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Aye, I know that this game goes outside the novels. I know the comics much more than the actual stories, but said comics keep alive idea that Conan dislikes magic. We are not Conan (no one will ever be Conan) but as players we are put in similar path and/or mindset as him I think.

Not that I disagree with what you say. Wizard heart eatimg sounds like a good and realistic idea to have a hand at sorcery. Or…as a disciple of Yog, I welcome all chance to eat fellow human, or anything else that used to live. :smiley:

What I mean is that if they did ever include magic is that I wouldn’t want it to change gameplay too much as that wouldn’t fit the spirit of the game. I mean even in Conan lore, most followers of Set for example, only serve as snake food or blind foot soldiers. Still I really do like the idea of eating ancient wizard hearts and getting something out of it.


I also think that should give more weapons in the game.
I want more weapons similar to the (Sword of Crom) from the statistics.