Nightmare purges

I read a lot about “nightmare” purges such as King Scorpion or other non-human purges destroying half the structures in T1 areas. Does that still occur or has it been patched since? If still occurring, how often do these nightmarish non-human purges occur? I’m told you can kite the boss away from base and let the timer run out, but that’s assuming you’re online to do so. If I’m offline my entire base would be at risk wouldn’t it?

Difficulty depends on where you build, see the map on the wiki:

The most left one of the Unnamed City ones, north of the noob river, is obvious and does include King Scorpions currently.

Thanks for the map, it’s very helpful. Yeah I’m definitely affected by King Scorpions. In the desert, what is the most difficult purge you could get? Undead? Scorpions?

In the desert, in the game or anywhere? See the Purge Difficulty section on the page and look at the map again after.
It does depend on how well the purge works for you etc. An army of NPCs can still knock down quite a section of wall if you’re not around. (iirc tho)

Most difficult purge I’ve personally witnessed was A Legion of Demons which occurs mostly to the immediate north of the Unnamed City, but can also include the river bend to the SE of it. It included a large red dragon, several small red dragons, and lots of the bat guys.

Thankfully, the PvE I play on is very friendly so lots of us came to help the defender, but it was quite a slog at the time. Mind you, now that Captains are so powerful and the UC’s weapon drops so good, it wouldn’t be quite so much of a problem, but for a clan that isn’t level 60 with good gear (or friends with players who are) then it would likely be devastating.


I don’t want to sound like a broken record, but lower areas on the map are actually quite perilous. If you build in E5 (Fleshtearer Falls environs) you will get an Undead Purge. I’m not really sure of the name, because they have all happened offline. Skeletons and Undead Serpentmen. They will wreck T3 in no time, but can be managed by a crop of greater crocs and regular crocs, plus one perched archer and one melee fighter thrall. Since this is a no-good Purge (nothing to be gained but dropped Loot), it’s best to have a strong animal defense.

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The Morandi Bridge we built and submitted to the contest was built in September 2018 first time but remade few days after because it was (and it is even right now) on the river near east limits of Unnamed City and it was destroyed by a purge of demons: 1st wave innocent imps, 2nd one enjoyable bat demons, they killed all thralls defending it anyway, 3th wave a green dragon with a dozen dragon hatchlings and they totally destroyed it because I was the only in the clan online to defend it (obviously I was fighting the green dragon, while the hacthlings was destroying everything).

It was before pet update and before thrall hp update (they was pretty useless at the time against a menace like that) so I was the only defender of the bridge when dragons appeared.

Being on the same server since july 2018 I experimented a lot of purges, demon purges are the worsts to fight for me.

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We had two Demon Spider purges, one right after the other.
No building damage, they could not get to them. (so they attacked the neighbor’s place)
So we wiped them out, we wiped them all out

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No clue if this fits here - but my base is near the hand in desert area - and just recently a 3skull red dragon spawned out of nowhere in my base - no purge no nothing. So something is interesting :slight_smile:

If you’re playing pve or pve-c it could be an attack from someone.

Having a boss to follow you until you reach an enemy base and manage to see if archers or other pets/thralls are triggered by its presence is a common way to kill other player’s pets/thralls… or it was because now with a good equipments thralls are able to kill a boss by themself.

Now it’s also a way low level players fight a boss, being followed until the nearest well guarded base to use other players pets/thralls fight for them against the boss :wink:

I am well set up and have at least 25 7425 HP Thralls guarding my place - problem was that they are all still equipped with truncheons from last purge - so basically when i came to base a few of them where hitting the dragons with their sticks while 2 single Wolves (those that actually sit next to my throne) been the only things that did damage to the dragon :wink:

I’ve had more than 100 purges since it was first introduced and they can be very different depending on the area and the way the base is set up, but a few stand out as nightmarish…

I had a purge on an official pve server last summer at the Breach shortly after having moved up north, I was level 40 something and was far away when the purge was announced, I couldn’t make it back in time for when it started, but got back when wave 2 hit the base, the biggest surprise was that there was 40-50 dead dire wolves(white) all around the base + an insane amount of live ones hitting both my T1 defense wall and my T2 base, all pets and ground thralls were already dead so the remaining defense was 8-10 archers where half of them had dropped to the ground and the rest were floating in air because the white wolves had destroyed all defense walls and towers.
I did manage to save the most important part of my base, but it wasn’t easy and the destruction was insane :smile:
I know it sounds a bit unbelievable, but I think there was 4 waves with a total of more than 100 white wolves, anyway here’s a few screenshots from it :slight_smile:

Other than this I have had purges in almost all areas both human, undead and animals, but lately I think the most destructive purge I have seen was Relic hunter purge, simply because they have a lot of archers with them which will prevent you from healing while fighting + there’s also some throwing explosive orbs which can tear down even the most reinforced T3 walls so fast if you don’t get to them very quickly.

Currently I am playing on 2 official servers(pve 1013 & pve-c 1041) and a private pve-c server with 3x harvesting, the private server I am playing on can easily trigger 4-5 purges a week since there’s no time limit for purge or conflict for that matter, it is 24 hours a day, but still a little exciting.

There will be different opinions on which type of areas and attackers are the worst, in my opinion humans are worse than any animal purge and being offline can really be destructive unless you have some really good armored thralls which I think is far better than any pet as defense :slight_smile:


I’m not saying what you are doing is not right, but if I were to just spawn a crafter I wanted, I’d quit the game. I can only enjoy a game if it’s challenging. Not impossible mind you, but definitely challenging. That said I have no problem with people doing whatever they want to do as long as it doesn’t ruin an online experience for me.

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my base is in the desert area and due to the purge bug i kept getting rocknose purges every single time and honestly i’d prefer to fight the red dragon than that rockslide

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