I guess I did not understand the mechanics with purges. I build my base just south of the King Rhino, more specifically, on the flat area south of the two rhinos near the King Rhino, very close to Sepermeru. I build a pyramid with a foundation based fence all around the base and the animal area. It is not a huge complex but it is not small. There is a gate facing north, towards Sepermeru, where I can see the King Rhino. I did not build up to any rocks or block any access along any of the perimeters. I camped archers for a very long time to put archer thralls along the fence so if I was fighting the purge at the gate, the archers would hopefully shoot any attackers that approach from the rear. When the purge was announced and it was going to my pyramid base, I place my melee fighters in front of the gate. In the animal complex where two Shalebacks (one greater), one hyenna, one bear, one camel (lvl 12), and one rhino and four horses.
Sadly, all the purges spawned inside my base. I received a scorpion purge. The humans all spawned on my archer platforms. The scorpions all spawned near the pen. I was out front. Stupid me. The animals easily handled the first two waves. The third wave killed the camel. The fourth wave killed the bear. By the fifth wave my human follower (lvl 20) and I stayed near the pens but there where many humans spawning in this time so I went chasing most of them to try to prevent them destroying the crafting stations or NPCs inside. Luckily, none could actually get inside, although they were running up the sides of the pyramid. in the middle of the pyramid is an inverted wall (light house, looking like a diamond on the pyramid) so they could not scale above that point.
The archers were shooting at them but they were also under heavy attack as the humans spawned onto their platforms.
Now, in the first couple of waves I thought my mistake was not putting a foundation inside the animal area, allowing the spawn. Prior to the purge, I did not realize this was an issue because everything I read said they will not spawn in your base if there is access and it is not totally blocked off, like on a bridge, or in a cave, or on top of inaccessible rocks. Maybe the lack of foundation in the animal (and prayer) area was my mistake, but that would not explain the humans spawning on the archer platforms.
Any comments on my mistake in understanding the purge mechanics? Regardless, I will have already found a few videos to watch discussing building against the purge, so maybe those will help. I do not feel like tearing this place down and staring over as I do not feel I have time time. Would adding a sandstone foundation for the pens work? I doubt the foundation issue because of the humans on the platforms, but I am open to criticism, suggestions, etc.
Thanks for reading.