Rest assured, she will not become a zombie! She is actually proving to be a very good fighter. I had some reservations considering her melee accuracy is only 0.8 according to the wiki. I am not sure how up-to-date this is but together, in just a hour, she is level 13 and we cleared the Witch Queen easily. I got lost heading for the Pirate King but this worked out better, perhaps.
Also, I just build a few crafting stations to make better armor and learned I could not make the Skelos set because it requires Perfected Padded Leather [?]. Having just completed the Witch Queen, I will make the Lemurian armor. for now.
You are still to fight anything hard. She’s a t4 with good stats, but I would rather bang my head on a wall than taking Lianeele with me to the Wine Cellar dungeon. Heck… I would think twice before going with her to the Well of Skelos…
But it’s your thrall…
No, no, I need the advice. I did not do the Wine Cellar with my other character so I guess I need to run it. I might just go back to soloing and leave her someplace safe.
One of the best thrall fighters you can get is at the mounds and has a 100% spawn rate. The Cimmerian Berserker. Comes equipped with a star metal greatsword also. That should be your go to thrall.
Just get a good fighter thrall, take it to the jungle for fast leveling and that’s it. You can get the thrall JJ and me suggested you (it’s the same) or get a relic hunter treasure seeker from the beginning of the wine cellar itself. If you need, I can show you how later.
Okay, I had intended to loop back around and camp the Mounds of the Dead for the Cimmerian Berserker who spawns in the water but as I as traveling through the Unnamed City to meet the Archivist (doing the stalking Staff thing), I was attacked by Brandt of Zingara and her squad of Relic Hunters. Luckily, I had just done some crafting last night and had a better Truncheon. I was able to capture her. Let me tell you, it is a long haul back to the Mounds from the Unnamed City with a thrall in tow! I was not at all prepared for this exercise. That event alone make me quit for the night.
I digress. Sasha, my character, almost died in the fight. Those Relic Hunters are BRUTAL. I love the stats on Brant as she has amazing HP at level 0 and a 90% chance for Vitality increases and well as 70% for Strength. If I get her the right food, she might turn out very good. Should I bother with her or keep trying to get the Cimmerian?
I will drag her along tonight as I do the Archivist since she is ‘tamed’ now. I think by the time I reach the Unnamed City she should be at least a lvl 10, if not 15. If nothing else, she can guard my base when I finally build one.
Speaking of bases, I did set up a server. That was pretty easy. I set Steam for a family account and created a new character, the engineer, as I mentioned. However, I have not returned to the server because it has one issue. When I load into the game my character is frozen for at least 30 minutes before I can start to move. I just do not wish to waste that much time each night after work to get it going. Tonight I started the game, cleaned up, ate, etc., and the darn thing was still frozen. It did not release for at least 45 minutes so I have went back to my one character, non-server play. I really did like the RP scenario for the two characters, as well as the chance to invite my retired brother to join. The delay was just too much. If I can fix it, then back to forming my little clan.
Hi JJ, thanks for the advice. I was going to return to the Mounds of the Dead for the Cimmerian Berserker but along the way, in the Unnamed City, I grabbed Brandt of Zingara, so I am keeping her for now. Her HP is 4816 (?) at lvl 0. I messed up and already lvled her a bit so cannot remember for sure but she is at lvl 5 now and 5300 HP. I think her stats are pretty good. Any comments and suggestions are well appreciated. I decided to follow the advice both you and MarcusC gave, do not take Lianelee into higher level areas.
Same today for me. Purge spawned inside my main crafting room instead of the immense amount of ground around the base itself. Lost some stuff but took care of it quick.
Regardless, this has been a reoccurring bug that I wish would be fixed permanently
I want okay with dealing with it, now that I know. If I build another base I will design it more compact so when they spawn inside I will have a better chance reaching them before destruction. Happy Hunting.
You capured Brandt of Zingara??
Then you had a very cool bug or things changed in 3.0. Brandt of Zingara is a Relic Hunter Treasure Seeker Boss and you’re not supposed to be able to capture her, although, in Single Player mode you can spawn her as a converted thrall using the admin panel.
Well, if you captured her, you have a hell of a thrall! It’s a miniboss you definitely weren’t supposed to capture.
Maybe they made them capturable on 3.0 ( there are 10 of them) and I don’t know it yet. Upon death, they drop the heart of a hero when you kill them, a lootable with several uses, the, most immediate being corruption cleansing on its consumption.
I captured her but I think I am having some weird glitches. Some mysterious archer showed up in my inventory at the same time. It was named “Do Not Use”. I looked this up on the Internet and it said this is not uncommon, a weird glitch. I still did not trust it so I threw it away. I am now curious if I should trust the RHTS or throw her away. I do not want any weird glitches. I playing on an XBOX so I do not have a lot of control of things. I have been playing on a European server as this is what the game defaults to. I went back to my XBOX when I had issues with the private server on the PC-Steam setup. XBOX and PC are not cross-platform with Conan, either so that could not have affected the XBOX game.
Her being a boss might explain why I was destroyed by Enia the Searcher a few times today. I was trying to capture another but that was a miserable evolution of death. So miserable that by the time I returned Brandt had disappeared into the sand. The Map showed she was there, “Guarding,” but nope. A few more rounds of devastation and then I fled. Brandt shows as “returning home” now but the only “home” I had was a foundation with a few crafting stations and I destroyed all that when I moved on… Frustrating. I guess dedicated bases do serve many purposes.
Now I am a bit concerned, though, about glitches. Thanks.
Nah, keep her, @seabumb !
You were blessed by a bug. You’ll have the best thrall on the server. I went to the unnamed city just to test it and kicked the sht out of Moras with a trucheon to no avail. These aren’t supposed to be captured. Nothing has changed, although I think they cut their HP. They used to have almost double that from the start. I can’t imagine how you got one on an official server, but if I were you I would never throw her away. Level her carefully because you got yourself a killer.
The other one, get rid of him.
I have four accounts, two PC and two XBOX. This happened on the XBOX “online” account, no mods (the Steam-PC account was a fail as it was set up hoping to build a private server). The XBOX PC account is dormant. I set it up hoping when I did not realize Conan was not cross-platform capable. With the XBOX I have been playing on a European server (that was what the game defaulted to when I started the new character). In the last day a lot of weird things have happened on that server, mainly crazy freezes or immediate re-spawning of NPCs. I did send a message to the server admin but no reply yet. The thrall Brandt is gone, by the way, disappeared when I died in the Unnamed city, never to be located, even though the Follower section of the game shows her as “returning to base”. That has been her status over 24 hours so I think she is buried beneath the city.
My goal with the online account was to have my brother join me. I went to the PC account when it was suggested that I have a private server since I have more than one account. I liked that idea but my setup did not work well. I might try it again, though, as I do not want to be on a server with issues.
Thanks for making me think even more about this issue. I do not mind glitches, games cannot be perfect. However, I do not want the system to freeze or for my account to be banned because of other issues. I will let this character wander on her own and return to my original XBOX character.
Of course. He just needs to use rescue once he is in owned land. Strange was him being able to capture her. You can’t even ko them. Brandt, Ejna, Ness, Moras, Ophelia, Hath, etc. can’t become thralls on official servers. Unfortunately.
Looking to that health bar, you spanked her hard! You were a naughty, naughty boy!
The moment the blue bar didn’t appear, I knew things hadn’t changed. But Moras was in need of a decent beating. I suppose Brandt was asking for it too!
There are plenty of bugs I have knocked out boss crocodile by Sinners refuge twice first time accidentally forgot to take away truncheon and give weapon could not kill until he woke up. Sarah had this happen pre 3.0
I got an answer for all my issues from the server admin. I did not understand it all as his/her English was a bit off, but far better than my French, so no complaints. It turns out you are right that I should not have had that thrall, although it was not a mod, it was basically something from their server game testing. Again, I did not really understand what they were explaining. They (server admin and their clan) were doing something and I did happen to be at the right place, at the right time, to do the wrong thing. That NPC-thrall will not return as it has been wiped. Once I died it basically went back to the way it was supposed to be. Nice to know what happened.
As for the freezes, they do a “time catchup” every morning (France time) on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. My character would freeze until all the players were in the same game time. I did not know that was a thing, either, so I will try to find it on the PC server I set up. That might be the issue with the crazy freezes it has on log in. I do not know and could not find any information.
I am glad the admin for that server was so nice in the replies. I learned a lot and I will probably keep playing my character there, but be more aware. I like it because they have some really cool structures and I am getting some great ideas on where and how to build. I had not thought I would want to build a base for that character, but now, well, I might. More importantly, I am learning.
Good to hear on all points. Learning is key.