Purge inside my base

I only have one base and it is sitting on the ground with open access to all sides, literally in the middle of the sand. I have read that if you don’t give access to the purge things will spawn inside your base like being on a cliff or in the middle of water and I totally understand that. I built a base on a mesa and had a level three boss spawn inside that destroyed half my base so I relocated to a flat spot on level ground to avoid this. So is this intended ? Its extremely discouraging to think that I had to move a building because of this just to have it happen in an area where it shouldn’t be happening.
I’m playing on PS4
thanks for any advise

Yeah, it’s pretty broken. We had the same thing happen some months ago. I’m not sure it’s even on their list to fix anymore.

I’ve had bases on flat ground (i.e. the grassy plain around New Asagarth) where humans and wolves would occasionally spawn atop the roof. As a result, I’d advise always having defenders scattered throughout your base just-in-case something like this happens. PC here, btw, so it’s not just on PS4.

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That’s what I was afraid of, I see bases with animals all over them constantly and was trying to avoid doing that because it looks like a zoo escaped and flock to a house like a murderer of crows. What really kills me it that foundation spamming is a HUGE problem on my server “official 3828” yet somehow I can actually get purged at all. The admins recently had to destroy a wall 200 feet "61 meters"tall with black ice fences that was totally blocking off noob river from the rest of the map. We have three clans on the server that literally have foundation sidewalks and bridges covering the entire map as well as all the good building sites that never seem to get damaged.

try placing a ring of foundations around your base so they have targets outside your base

From what i’ve understood, this ring should be connected to your base in order to work.

Anyone able to confirm ?

connected will last longer because of decay but I believe randomly dropped unconnected will prevent as well.

I actually have a ring around the entire base with a kill pit full of rhinos and elephants but they still spawned on the roof

Just make some towers in the close vicinity to your base and they will target those first usually. I do this all the time and am never disappointed in the results. A few will come at the main building but most will start “gnawing” at the outbuildings. I usually build the outbuilding in T2 mats, so I’m not sure if they go for the weaker buildings deliberately or not, but it works.

I have done the towers. I have done a bunch of things and the damned reaper queen likes to spawn right in my bedroom. Let me tell you. That was one very stressful encounter logging in and having to get dressed while she was spewing green puke at me

Lol, must be those fly strips you keep putting up. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ve had this, but if i check map, I can figure out were X is, and try and find foundation. Its often one behind benches and walls. juts bad luck of RNG it picks the one in base it can’t get to. XD

I dont see it to often.

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