Game mode: [ Select one: Online Offical]
Type of issue: [ Select one: Bug ]
Server type: [ Select one: PvP ]
Region: [ Oceanic ]
Hardware: [ Xbox Series S ]
Bug Description:
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
Let’s try to get this bug fixed for the 4th time. I am honestly sick and tired of reporting the same thing, and getting the same response. I’ve been told numerous times to report this as a offical bug report to zen desk, yet I get the same thing over and over again, that they will look into it. Well, while you’re looking into it developers, I am getting banned on my account that I have played Conan on since day one.
So, here we go again. The bug is where I am stuck in my clan with a toxic teammate whom is exploiting the game in order to get me banned so I cannot play Conan anymore.
Whenever I try and leave the clan to distance myself from this cheating player, I get a message saying the I cannot leave because I am clan leader, yet there is no clan leader emblem next to my name, only an officer one.
Same thing goes for trying to kick this player, i cannot because I do not have the clan leader emblem next to my name. I have tried literally EVERYTHING. Clearing my cache, attempting to recreate my character, finishing the game (which also recreates your character), yet nothing works because I am apparently leader. I am utterly stuck with this player, and will get permanently banned because of it.
I have just come off a 7 day ban for claim spam, so no doubt give it a couple days and I will get banned again. I have been forgotten about, and am being played by a system that is in place to protect players.
Steps to Reproduce:
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. Please be as detailed as possible; the more details, the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
- Look at my past reports and you will see, no point adding the steps because they will be ignored.