I decided to start this thread for one simple reason: I wanted to bring attention to the problems associated with the current Notum war situation, and I hope that such a public discussion might end the problem much more quickly. I’ve already talked to both omni and clan players who make towers, and both sides are fed up with so-called multiboxing (MB).
I also sent links to players, who are mentioned in this thread. They can try to find a solution here and publicly.
Current situation is this:
Clan MB player says:
Omni started MB, blame Melizabe and Vik. Meliz and vik (Angel Outside and Devil Inside) started boxing towers level 14 and 27. Omnis do MB even at TL7.
Omni MB player says:
Clan made MB to take fields, there are videos from December 2020, Omnis wouldn’t log a single box when clans logged 5+. Due to clan MB everything, Omnis quit playing, we do MB as protection against clan MB.
There was already a solution in the past:
There was already a discussion between clan and omni to stop this MB. Clan TNET implemented „no MB rule“, but 1 week later, Zero and his friends multiboxed again and then they disbanded TNET. And those some individuals made another MB friendly bot.
Why do Omni MB right now? The reason is silly! Omnis think that this huge MB will make clan MBers quit because they been plaguing the game for over a year now.
MB is done only by a few players:
The issue is not with all players, but only with a few players who decided to ruin AO by multi-boxing, ignoring agreement and rule between clan and omni about „NO multiboxing at tower wars“. Don’t blame omni or clan, don’t say they started it first, so we can do it too. This is not solution and it won’t help. It is issue created only by specific players, who made and use MB till today.
How to solve this situation? You can bring your suggestions. But you should keep in mind that this is issue on both sides and it is done only by a few players, the majority hates the MB.
Solution from my point of view:
There is going to be a new clan bot or already is made, I am not sure for the reason that I don’t own clan alt. The person responsible for this bot should be the player Baked (Maked). He should make sure that he doesn’t support the players, namely Zero and his friends, who re-founded MB even though TNET had an agreement with Omnis.
Players who do MB (clan or omni) should realize that tower fileds are for fun, where people can still PVP and have fun with their twinks and with their friends. Notum war is still a reason why people might be interested in doing PVP twinks. Battlestation is a joke now and the only good team PVP is on towers.
Clan players such as Zero, Evilmechanic, and others, and on omni side: Melizabe, Vik, Sphixie and others. You should stop doing or supporing players who do MB and not waiting that the other side will stop doing it. This will never happen with our discussion.
The side XP bonus, org contract or tower bonuses or your EGO? are not worthy to lower AO population by annoying other normal players of this game by your MB.
Multi-boxing during Notum wars is a broken game mechanic and using something like that should lead to a ban for a period of time. Funcom should be responsible to investigate each report/petition that someone did MB during Notum wars.
Soldier and keeper damage aura should be level locked or modified in such way that it won’t affect damage output in tower field (TL1-5) areas, this will lower damage of MB characters and players may have chance to kill MB characters if this happen again.
The most important thing to realize is that MB is killing AO, the fun of twinking and making NW and its population. People should not support players who choose to ignore the “NO multiboxing” agreement. Such people should be kicked out of raidbots, their orgs and left without support from either side. These people are the cancer of AO. They are not helping their side, they are ruining the whole game for both sides.
I’m not afraid to say that the support of MB players is the same as the support of terrorists, who are also in the minority. The only solution is communication and the knowledge that MB is error, disease. It is mistake that Funcom cannot effectively resolve.
At the end of this thread, I really hope that both sides and all people responsible for MB will truly realize that this game and its part called Notum war was not created for boosting your ego but for having fun from twinking and then PVPing with friends. If you don’t have friends to PVP with you, then you should start with making such friends, not with making army of agents/enfs/traders and then simply pressing 1 button on 6+ alts at the same time thinking that when this game allows such mechanic that it is OKAY. It is not…
I am really glad that I can write this thread when it was omni (my side) who just ruined Notum war. Why? For the reason that both sides will see that this thread was really created to fix MB issue in NW and it is not for the reason that I would want to have higher side xp bonus or some tower bonuses, etc. I hope that people responsible for MB and clan/omni bot leaders will try to help with current situation. I believe that no one likes current situation, even the MB players hate to do it (if they were honest during our discussion).