Looking for a fresh start on a private vanilla(1x) light RP-PvP server based in Western Europe? If that ticks some of your boxes then please read on!
Server details
Name: [EU PvP] Nomads [Noob Friendly] [New 29/01] [1x]
Connection Info:
Discord link: discord.gg/DYxmwf6
Do you want to know a little about us?
I work, we work. The Digital Nomads admin and moderation team run full time jobs in fields such as software development, web development, animation. Some of us have more hands on jobs like carpentry and blacksmithing!
Although the admins have full access to the game server, Discord and Slack during waking hours we usually get a little down time to hop on between the hours of 6 and midnight after standard working hours. That’s when you can expect to see us in game.
We have reached the age where we are what some would call ‘filthy casuals’ with girlfriends, wives, kids and general real life commitments but we still love a game together in the evening! Anyway, enough about us… We would love to have you as part of our community so pop in and say hello at any time and we will field whatever questions you may have discord.gg/DYxmwf6.
Key features
- Vanilla experience - Everything is default aside from the day/night cycle (day time is doubled).
- Player PvP is active 24/7.
- Player vs building damage is on between the hours of 18:30 and 2230. Perfect for those who play after work.
- Bugs and exploit unfortunately exist. Admins will never spawn in or recover items or entities for anyone, no matter the cause. We are here to keep the server running and updated and to enforce our rules.
- Server is paid upfront for 6 months with a review on performance and popularity in 6 months time.
Rules are made to be broken but we ask that you
- Be friendly and helpful towards new and existing players.
- Are polite and civil to each other through text and voice chat.
- We have no mercy towards toxic, exploiting or hacking players.
- Light RP is encouraged but not enforced.
A brief history
The Digital Nomads have been playing and running survival game servers since early 2015. We were actually the number 1 through to 3 top server at the time of Conan Exiles launch (data gathered from Battlemetrics).
We took the tough decision 3-4 months later to close the server due to the sheer amount of time we had to invest into keeping the server running. The few admin tools available at that time and the sheer amount of bugs and exploits we had to resolve on an hourly basis had us waving our hands in the air, yelling “this just isn’t sustainable!”. We are people just wanting to have fun after all!
Our return
A few of us have been playing on and off for the past year. Mostly keeping an eye on the games progress but aside for one or two wish-list improvements we’re loving the game for what it is. That’s why we want to keep the player experience as close to vanilla as possible.
Hope to see you in game! Peace