NoMansLand- PC- [New Roleplayer / Player Friendly]RPVP(NoGods/FRESH SERVER 2/21)(MODs, AoC & Sexiles)

Greetings Exiles,

We just opened up a new server (US EAST), currently its a 20 slot but we have no issues increasing this as we grow and we won’t delay to do so if needed.

This server is meant to be an RP, with PVP and very simple rules so that you don’t get overwhelmed by all of the very specific rules you’ll see on other private RP servers. With that being said, rules are subject to change and RP will always be the focus. One of our biggest taboos will be Offline Raiding. This will be a bannable offence.

This is a fresh install server, just opened up on 2/21.

We are currently running 11 total mods:

  • Age of Calamitous
  • Conan Sexiles
  • Pippi - User & Server Management
  • Savage Steel
  • DyeMoreBetterer
  • Raid Notes (very useful for RP)
  • Less Building Restrictions
  • Emberlight
  • Fashionist
  • RP Aesthetics (RA)
  • Skyrim Music (might be temporary?)

You can read the rules on our discord: Mghrzdk

They are still a work in progress, and we are looking to make changes as we get feedback

Our direct connect is:

Any other questions, feel free to ask via discord or here(I’ll check as much as I can)
