Not getting any patrons at tavern tables

I built my tavern and placed the bar, and very quickly got 3 patrons sitting at the bar. I enlisted Isscar and he took his seat, but I haven’t had any others come to the tavern. I placed 4 tables and 8 benches, and they remain completely empty. I relogged to see if that helped, but no change.

Is there something I can do?

Not sure what happened, but I do have 2 guys now sitting at tables. One of them is naked (I guess I should have hung up a sign "no shoes, no shirt, no pants, no service), and I can’t interact with either of them at all, but that’s fine. I don’t really care much about being able to hire them, I just like the life being added to my castle. :smiley:

Edit: I can hire some of them now that I have a few more. I wasn’t aware that not all patrons will be able to be hired. Just fyi for anyone else as ignorant as me.

Take care where you place any seating near your bar. I’ve had tavern patrons pop up in seating that they weren’t supposed to use, like the throne in my throne room, my character’s bedroom, the war room. All not in the damned tavern.

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Any seat in an 8-block radius is used. Including any seats you have on your second and 3rd floors of a building.

So ur tellin me my latrine could have a surprise occupant… as long as his/her pants are down, they are a candidate.


Your correct that not all patrons can be hired. Some can and some can’t. You will see named thralls, you can hire some.

It’s all RNG. Depends on luck and timing.

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There’s a guy on our server who put three, THREE, bars in a one room building.

Every time I run up to it, there are 10 NPCs walking around to the doors.


I wish they actually opened the doors.

Yeah make sure they have chairs around those tables. I also add plates and mugs too- not sure if that affects it at all but looks cool.


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