Obviously Conan Exiles Player Base is shrinking

Except, not.

It’s a pretty stable player base.

I realize these verifiable facts do not fit with some rather strident proclamations and that those who are passionate about opinions over facts will determine I am personally attacking them but, as I am not part of that conversation, I won’t be engaging in it.

And I would beg, of those who have a congenital need to attempt to belittle and insult, can you please display some basic competence in the process?

For a change of pace, if nothing else.


I totally agree that the player base is stable, but for how long…? I have over 5000 hours in game (a noob compared to some players with over 12000) so I play on a regular basis and several different servers and have witnessed with my own eyes that those servers in which I play have very healthy numbers at almost all times (except last thing at night and first thing in the morning).

But I say for how long, and I only say that because of this ‘Lost Connection’ bug/error/glitch (whichever it be) is slowly strangling the player base. If Funcom refuse to accept that for a MASSIVE proportion of their player base this is an issue, then Funcom will see numbers fall by the wayside, which, in my opinion, would be a crying shame.

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Based on the data, I’d say that, for the next three years, we can expect a daily player base of above 50K.

Back of the envelope math:

2020 04 Daily Players - 210097
2023 04 Daily Players - 121494
That a 42% player base drop in three-ish years.

Applying the same player drop rate, which may be wildly inaccurate as the game has shown a net gain in daily player base since 2021 11, but just taking the 3 year decline of 42% as a measure, that would give us 51,027 daily players in 2026 04.

While the Lost Connection issue is both real and annoying, it is not strangling the player base. Daily player count has gone up in the last three months.

The Lost Connection issue is serious, but it ain’t killing the player base.

That’s some good clickbait. Finally someone understands that just because launch peak was at launch doesn’t mean the game today is dead by comparison. All games have this same effect, but most aren’t able to sustain a flatline of players over six years. A lot of games, especially from big studios that do yearly pump and dumps end up losing way more players overall in a much shorter span of time


It sucks to realize that the majority of the playerbase just farms and builds.

Those of us who engage in combat and stop playing because of problems that ruin gameplay (connection lost, AI breaks when 10+ players are online) are an irrelevant minority.

I guess it makes total sense that Funcom ignores game-breaking issues that are only game-breaking if you enjoy combat since apparently most players are happy to hit rocks and build walls.


Link says Conan Exiles is 16th in MMOs and its not even a MMO. :rofl:


It does have a very Minecraft-like style to it, and i’ll admit it is one of the reasons i started playing the game, watching V-tubers and other streamers playing Minecraft made me want to do the same, but i couldn’t stand the “pixel-box” graphics of Minecraft, and also there’s really no endgame, you just make stuff then you just make more stuff…that’s it. At least with Conan I know there IS a final chapter i can pursue if i wish. Minecraft with way better graphics and set in the Conan-verse was a no brainer, and i started playing. Plus the first time i actually finished the game and watched my save file get deleted was absolutely EPIC, NO GAME DOES THIS… also i think people play alot for the booba and the PP. they’re just happy with that , no combat needed, also one of if not the only game that has full nudity.

lol ! yup games dead- and thats not including people who dont use steam

Screenshot 2023-04-08 145035

Now here - this is a dead game-
Mortal Online-

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Yes, but it sucks the way we like it.


That’s just selective use of facts in a nutshell.
You just take best time to fit your narrative which is WRONG and misleading and by the way - what’s point of that thead in first place?

Look at very short periods of low amounts that are all time now - its statistically dropping.

Here’s how this works.

If you think the game is dying or dead. Its dead. You have no reason to stay. Go play your favorite populated game.

If you think it isn’t, and you’re still having fun, then have fun playing.

Win win for everyone.


Uh, no.

I provided the link. I listed the stats. There was no cherry picking, no misdirection, no statistics as lies.

Just raw data.

But, if you need to feel like you, alone, have discovered the conspiracy, have at it, because you bring nothing to the discussion that is of value to me.

I understand you, most probably, need to have the last word.

Do so with my blessing.



Well said.

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Talk about “selective use of facts in a nutshell.”
Your 5 year graph shows exactly the same thing that the OP said in the title of this thread “Obviously Conan Exiles Player Base is Shrinking.”

All your 5 year graph shows (which is only 3 years by the way) is that there was a tremendous spike for 9 months around the release of the Siptah DLC. If you exclude the spike, your graph shows the player base going from about 250k down to roughly 120k over the course of 3 years. This is exactly what the OP is saying, the player base is shrinking (not dead). In fact, I would say the last 1 year (excluding spikes) has shown a slow steady climb.


Decided to cook this one up based on Steam Charts. Which actually gets us some accurate and not assumed data. Unfortunately, it only shows the Steam user base. But what is significant about Steam is it shows a population set going all the way back to Early Access.

The reason I started the line where I did is it was back in 2018, a few months after launch. This is actually where I saw a few servers that I played on actually shut down from lack of players. Around this time, there was anywhere from around 2500-3600 players at most online at a given time.

The only issue with steam numbers is its a low ball type number. It only shows the most online at a single instant in a day. However, the number given is accurate to the individual. Therefor we can trust the numbers in relation to each other being 100% accurate in showing a trend, if only the Steam platform.

But again… its the oldest platform. It should be among the worst in numbers of any demographic. Thus being the most favorable to any argument saying the game is dying.

Between around October 2018 and April 2023, the difference in player base is interesting. There is 6x more players online during peak play in April of 2023 compared to the near dying game that Conan Exiles was in the fall of 2018.

The overall baseline has also risen slightly since Age of Sorcery.

Is the game dying? Well no. The numbers don’t show that. At least for Steam users. And I will say it again, the Steam user base is the oldest in the community. It should have the largest evidence of a downward trend out of any. However the numbers indicate a small growth.

Being that Steam is the oldest userbase, suffice to say, the other platforms will likely have a slightly better growth and unlikely show signs of more. But unfortunately, we don’t have exact numbers for any other part of the community.

The numbers don’t lie.

But like I said before, it doesn’t matter. If the game is dead to someone, its over and done for them. They should move on. They’ve already made their decision. I just never understood the reason for people to try to argue a case. Are they afraid of moving on alone? Is this a self imposed version of fear of missing out? Do they need a peer to justify their decision?

For me I don’t need others to tell me if the game I’m playing is dead or alive. I’ll decide that for myself, and I literally did in 2018. I literally had around four servers close due to lack of players. I simply moved on to another and another and kept playing. And I’m still here. I’ll be here long after most of you are gone probably.

But if someone isn’t happy here, then find something that makes you happy. I’m not going with you, sorry.



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LOL! i know right?

I know for me i dont play games because they are popular. Some people do.Some are social butterflies -nothing wrong with it.

I play this game because i like it and the genre. No other reason really.

People can stop trying to convince people to not play a game because they dont have enough people? Why waste your time?

Anyways back to the game! :rofl:

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It’s really not healthy to have such a negative attitude, maybe turn of your computer, go out and get some fresh air and forget about all the problems playing this game seems to cause for you, you might suddenly get a more positive view on things… life and maybe games too :slight_smile:


Isn’t it ironic that you wrote that and then proceeded to carefully select a different time period that matches your narrative?

Pot. Kettle. Black.

The only one here who didn’t fudge his data was @Taemien. He showed the totality of the existence of Conan Exiles – including the early access – and was fully transparent about what the data is supposed to represent and what is not represented in that data.

If I had to trust someone’s interpretation, it would be his. And even then I would go look at the data myself, just to see if there was something he missed.

Fortunately, none of us have to trust either the data or the interpretation, because this whole thing about whether Conan Exiles is “dying” or not is a red herring.

I could go on and explain what I mean, but there are two YouTubers who did it much better: