Official 1111 hacking

Too many clan use the glitch avatar / speedhacking and teleport, destroyed all the server and so many clan…

Opatrones clan
Pvp clan
and more…

Opatrones and pvp clan are online every night and kill everyone please we need a sanction / ban :disappointed:

No matter. Anybody that stays up for hours to case other players and a fortress… will have that chance to win the situation.

There are a number of clans that do that on Official servers (and likely not only in the Conan Exiles game). They appear on a server, do their ‘thing’ for a while, and then move on. Often they are hunted by other similar roving clans doing the same, but to them. It’s a thing in online gaming where players can attack other players. Sometimes these groups are geographically based and others from all over the world.

When it becomes more than just very annoying to the usual player in a game is when they rely on hacks and exploits that breach server/game Rules to do their thing. Then they open themselves to screenshots being taken to prove they are breaching server/game rules and, once reported via Zendesk etc, risk losing eveything by neing banned.

Get the evidence together and report it to the Zendesk and then wait.

Alternatively, hunker down and wait them out as these typre of players have to have other players to interact with to get their juices flowing. If they don’t then they move on to other servers - often rotating around back to previous servers once they think players have rebuilt.
Some players get good at hiding their materials away from base when offline, and keeping bases small, etc. Or, players move to private servers where it’s possible to Moderate without issue. Or players get their own dervers and they can be the moderators.

Effectively, any game that has multiplay/multifight in it will have this happen. Many of these players stream their activities and so generate money by doing it so it ain’t going to stop. The only things other players can do is to report glitch-playing, start banding up to do same to the waring clan, move to less vicious servers. Even if Conan Exiles did not allow Clans, but just inter-player fighting, this would happen. Name any multiplayer game this does not happen in.

[quote=“Dzonatas, post:3, topic:249406”]
will have that chance to win the situation
[/quote] - Your clan would have to adapt to the same style of gameplay.

I watch youtube for such content. I don’t have another game I play atm.

They practically take an oath, to spread hacks and exploits, to win. I mean to make sure ‘leaders’ can win for their clan.

Especially the ones that are laughing too much, over not even playing on screen. :thinking:

[I suggest paying for ad free content, not just streaming services.]

I did see, but some years back, a clan that got mostly clobbered (they had hidden their main loot in chests away from base - cunning hiding places that remain in the map). Though some apparently wanted to sad-quit the server, some of the clan members reached out to another clan they’d spotted online and asked them to wander past the server they were on. The visitors turned out to be more ‘effective’ than the original hack-attackers and wiped them. Turning the tables can be very satisfying.