Official 1977 PVE-C

Game mode: [Online official ]
Type of issue: [Bug]
Server type: [PvE-Conflict]
Region: [America Latina]

  1. A Player Block all Sulfur Respawn, the building is underground Sulfur Lake for example. Cannot raid in PVE-Conflict serve…We only have one America Latina PVE-Conflit server.

  2. For that all steam users who buy the DLCs are having trouble to do their buildings because there is no Sulfur to collect, only the loot for certain mobs.

  3. After the player Block Sulfur Lake, when the server hit 25 people on the Lag is HUGE, cannot play.

  4. This situation is about 3 months already we need Funcom GM, Admin to do something.

Hey there,

To report players or clans either DM me or @Hugo.
However, blocking the brimstone lake is not considered an offense as per our current stance regarding Harassment and Griefing Issues., DLC ownership notwithstanding.

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