So, this is presented as humorous, not a complaint. There is intentionally no identifying information.
I’ve been on a server for a couple of years, established bases, etc. Every once in a while a new person arrives, builds right next to one of my bases, and then gets in a huff should I dare decide to expand.
It is always funny, but this is the best one yet.
This is his idea of vengeance.
My gaming rig laughed, I laughed, we muted him and moved on.
I think I can beat that…
A long time ago I was in a clan of 5 people where we decided to build our bases next to each other inside a defensive wall.
Anyway we made the defensive wall like a horseshoe having one open end at a little lake, one day we noticed a new sandstone building with fish traps inside our walls, so we knew right away that it couldn’t be ours because we only built in T3, and yes it belonged to some player who thought this was a good place for his little base and being protected at the same time
We got in touch with him and told him kindly that we didn’t like that he had built inside our base area and alsao offered him resources as a help to build a new base in another location, he refused and said we could just have sealed it off if we didn’t want anyone to build in our base… So we sealed it off which really pissed him off, but we got a good laugh out of watching him cry in chat about how cruel we were to prevent him access to his base
I have some screenshots of What a PVE/PVE-C player/clan/server worst nightmare looks like ( if it is not dealt with by Funcom themsleves ) but I can’t share them all to be representative since the server ones are not nameless , but for the player/clan part i have a few that are nameless that I could share if you want to see them ( since the problem have been dealt with long ago now , and therefore canot be identifiable anymore only by the ones that were already aware ) . tell me if you interested
Again, this is for humor purposes. No one is identified, this is not a complaint. This guy built between two bases and is livid we will not tear down so he can expand. So, now, he’s blocking paths. Each time he does, I create a walkway to circumvent his attempt.
I imagine it’s just him throwing the proverbial kitchen sink at you. Anything at all he can get his hands on quickly and easily to impede you just for spite.
Yeah, some people really are that petty, just in case the events of 2020 hasn’t already made that crystal clear.
The gate is open, but, and I admit to a low and suspicious mind, note that he is making a killing box.
If you are not in his clan, you can’t open the gates and he is topping all interior walls with fences to prevent climbing out. The plan, I believe, is to have folks get used to the pass through being open, then, when it is in use, close one gate and wait for folks to come in and close the other, trapping them.
It’s an official server, so he will get nothing from it, though may try to be bribed into opening the gate. Ultimately, folks will have to abandon their character/remove bracelet to get out, losing everything they have.
It’s a structure built out of spite and pettiness, and I find it hilariously sad and pathetic.
Must really suck to play a game just to annoy other people instead of enjoying life. I always try to rationalize that they are just young kids, but usually they are old grumpy men…lol
Yeah. With young children one can understand it because they have underdeveloped empathy skills and lack understanding on the full consequences of their actions. They just think it’s “funny”, just like scorching ants with a magnifying glass (I admit I was guilty of that in my childhood, too) without thinking any further.
But when grown-ups do it - there has to be something wrong. Psychologically, neurologically, emotionally… something isn’t right in their life if they go out of their way to systematically bully others just for giggles.
What flabbergasted me is the instant rage this guy manifested. I had mentioned in game chat about the new grind for oil and ichor and he responded with insults. I muted him, because, not worth my time, and started seeing one sided conversations about me.