Ok for heaven sake with the bugs/weirdness

I’ve already made a post about random stuff disappearing from my inventory like tools, etc.

Now I’ve got a relic hunter thrall that doesn’t get the appropriate stat from food. She’s a relic hunter fighter and from a grilled steak she’s getting a 7% bonus to str and a 7% bonus to agility instead of the 14% to vitality. I mean WTH?

I can’t seem to get the bonus to change either. I’ve forced fed her (hit X while it’s in her inventory), I’ve removed her warpaint buff, I’ve tried using other foods just to get her food bonus to change but it won’t.

Ok so I finally got her stat bonuses to change by giving her exquisite stew. It changed to 7% str and 7% vit like it should. However when feeding her cooked steaks it doesn’t change to 14% vitality like it should. It’s like cooked steak has no effect on her stat bonuses.

So I tried it on another relic hunter thrall I have and it did just like it was supposed to, a cooked steak added 14% chance to upgrade vitality. For some reason this one thrall doesn’t seem to react to cooked steak.

Ok I just confirmed that she doesn’t respond to gruel either. Doesn’t give her the 14% to str bonus.

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Is this pve or pvp? In pvp, just hit them and when they eat to heal the new bonus will take. In pve you have to get them damaged somehow (send them fighting with no weapon or something) and then they will eat to heal and get the bonus.

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PvE on a private server. Man it doesn’t work. I’ve had her fight a rhino with nothing but cooked steak in her inventory and she uses it and gets a heal bonus but it doesn’t update her stats bonus.

I’ve tried resetting the server. Didn’t work.
I’ve taken off all her stuff and rescued her. Didn’t work.

I have no idea what is going on with this one particular thrall. She even gets the 10% strength damage bonus from cooked steak but doesn’t get the 14% vit bonus.

I’m starting to think that putting a warpaint on her before she reached level 20 permanently broke her. She’s level 9.

I would out it over in the bug reports section and link back to this post since you’ve explained a lot of the problem here. Sounds unusual and if its warpaint related, it might help them reproduce it.

Good idea!

@Criosdaidh, so for starters, it IS a bug and bugs need to be reported at the Zendesk. But more importantly, what is happening and how to work with it.

The following applies to PvE, I have never tested in PvP:

If you feed a thrall something that increases the chance to level only ONE stat like steak (+14 Vit) or gruel (+14 Str), they can update that percent chance by eating a new food. For example, you can go back and forth between steak and gruel as many times as you like and it will update as intended. If however, you feed them a food that splits the chance to level between two stats like exquisite stew (+7 Str & +7 Vit) it can no longer be updated until after the thrall has leveled or the effect has worn off. This is why the test you performed on a new thrall seemed to work as intended.

It is a very inconvenient bug but can still be worked with if you know what is going on. Take note @Community, please pass this along to get fixed.

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