I launched the game yesterday and I encountered 3 different bugs right away. I’m not sure where to report them so here I am. The biggest issue is when I feed my fighting thralls with special food like grilled steak, to make sure their chance of getting additional vitality point is a few % higher, ends in failure. I used do to this like this: feed them one piece of the food that provides them with the bonus, then put 100 gruel in their inventory, and they would just keep the bonus from the first meal. And it always worked. Now, after some fighting when they eat even one gruel on their own, they get 14% chance of growth for strenght instead!
The game grants that chance but only for a few minutes, then all bonuses disappear(usually after the thrall gains a new level). When a thrall already has one bonus feeding him/her another meal like this doesn’t help, no matter how many times I feed him the bonus just doesn’t change. It only changes after the thrall receive some damage and then eats something on his/her own. Please guys fix it, cus leveling thralls becomes a nightmare!
Another issue, when I have both my horse and my thrall following me and I command them to stay in one place, they both decide to stay in exactly the same spot! It leads to their textures overlaping and it’s almost impossible to click on a thrall and not on a mount.
Going to next final thing, when I craft armors the game doesn’t show what would be the amount of protection that this armor will provide after forging. I used to appreciate this game and your work greatly, but it’s harder and harder to enjoy it.
I play on official so I do not have mods. I am leveling Freya and she keeps the +14% buff even after I log on the next day.
Do you use mods?
I meant normal fighting thralls, not companions like Freya. And no, I don’t play with mods. Also I had the situation that I gave my thrall grilled steak and she got +14% to the chance to gain Grit instead of Vitality, like wtf. And I play on single player.
I don’t know why it was different for you, but it’s always been like that for me.
Therefore, I have to turn on the pvp mode, monitor each level of leveling, and periodically shoot at the thralls so that they eat.
It’s always been like this, at least in my single player game.
You can still have mods installed when you play single player. Freya levels as a normal fighter once you have done the quest.
Not that it couldn’t be better… Another way to force the desired % buff on thralls, especially on pve servers, is with a piece of gear that adds hp’s.
Equipping said gear on a thrall, or unequip it first if they’re already wearing it then re-equip it, then immediately transferring the food with the % chance that you want them to have into the thrall’s inventory will cause them to consume it and get the buff. Has to be done quickly however or they regen back to full health and won’t consume the food. Can’t just place the food in their inventory beforehand either.
Although, while the above works to get the desired buff, being able to give thralls a percent chance food buff other than from gruel then switch to gruel for fighting may just be a thing of the past.
But it used to work like that, right? Or do I remember something wrong.
I’ve never actually tried that. I’ve seen people say it works that way a number of times but tbh I don’t see how it can. In my experience as soon as the thrall takes damage they’re going to use whatever food they have in inventory and get the buff from it.
Maybe it used to work that way or it works that way sometimes. Could be a timer of sorts on switching the buff. Could just be buggy.
The only food that has the bonus that persists until level-up is Cooked Pork Rinds. All other foods will have their level-up % bonus overwritten the next time a thrall eats (by whatever food it eats). It has been like this for years.
So you either have to just leave a stack of food with the bonus you want in their inventory, or babysit and make sure they eat one of the specified food before level-up.
Also something that a lot of people don’t know: if your thrall is leveling up fast (such as at early levels), sometimes it will not get the food % bonus because it didn’t take damage/eat. You should always doublecheck and perhaps manually feed it one JIC. On a PVP server or during PVP hours n PVE-C you can just kick them to make them take dmg and eat, on PVE or during non-PVP hours what works for me is equipping them with an armor piece that has +health and feeding them immediately after before they regen the new health.
You described the normal functionality. It has always been like this.
In fact, I have an extensive guide on thralls and it has a section dedicated to feeding them that explains the whole process in detail:
My thralls don’t get food in their inventory when I’m leveling them for this reason. I babysit them and make sure I feed them between each level manually. And this is the way it’s been for as long as I’ve been playing, pretty sure.
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