[Onslaught] Kushite Warrior one shot players with the 21474836 bug

[Onslaught] Kushite Warrior oneshot players with the 21474836 bug
[18:43] Version: Conan_v5.01.0@599629_ConanLiveWin32_2020
Revision: 599629

When you play in the Onslaught mode you might get one shoted by the NPC Kushite Warriors.
[18:30] You mitigated 21474836 points of damage from Kushite Warrior attack.

Note: according to the achievement log, the issue happened 1 out of 103 waves. However it might/might not have been present on previous revisions, as not all waves has been played on this update.
It most likely however occurs on all revisions since is still present on pve side since forever.

Screenshot of the issue and combat log:

Character: Level 80 Cimmerian Dark Templar

Steps to Reproduce.

  1. Enter the Onslaught mode with a Dark Templar.
  2. Play through the waves (many times) until meeting wave with Kushite Warrior and let them hit you.
  3. Notice that the Kushite Warrior (might) one shot you with the 21474836 bug.

The Champion of the Honorguard got his revenge! :rofl:

I imagine people would be considerably more likely to one-shot npcs, or be one-shot by them in Onslaught just due to the sheer number of mobs in the encounter. It has been a quirk in the combat system as long as I can remember, and can effect pretty much anyone.

@Piankhi Is (not)ok but at least we dev team can do some thing to mitigate this - like remove those specific ranged NPC’s or remove/replace that range attack (like some melees throw a spear before going in for melee). We know that this happens from ranged attack from other guildies reports.

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