Option to turn off the rain, please

I play on official servers, and it would be nice if we had a client side option to disable the rain. My base is near the mounds and it rains about 90% of the time there. I love the area, but the rain really gets annoying. It will rain for 2 hours straight, stop for 15 minutes or less and then start up again. Would be nice if we could just turn it off from the client. If not, then please tune the weather system.


And what of it? Rain doesn’t make any difference except pure cosmetics. It doesn’t make game harder, it’s just annoying.


Seems like Belgium to me :rofl:

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I do realize that and the rain has no effect. So what is your point? This is the suggestions forums so you are then telling me I cannot put out a suggestion because you do not like it? I am not asking to remove the rain completely, just an option in the client so I can turn it off or scale it back. if you want it to rain 100% of the time you would still have that option. It has been determined before that the client is controlling the rain, not the server.


I was able to turn off rain for the whole play session via the admin menu.

I don’t remember how anymore though. But it’s possible.

I could do with a little less rain. It’s just the noise it makes I think that bugs me.

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Saying you know it is a survival game is not an opinion but more of an attack. If you said, I like the weather the way it is then I could accept that.

I just think having the option to turn it up or down based on a persons play style would be a good option. If I can turn Foliage quality up or down so I can see stuff on the ground easier, then I would like to turn the rain down.

Also I think part of the problem is when it goes into full thunderstorm for hours on end, that is where it gets really annoying and I have to turn off SFX sounds.

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But he has a point, it is purely cosmetic…it does nothing at all. Being wet or soaked has no in game affect. This should be an option on client side tbh, like nudity option on client side…but i guess priorities on toggles for graphical settings…


There is an option: Build in the desert.

Jokes aside, i know what you mean, rain is annoying, damps everything even inside the buildings and has no purpose, temperature is the same, the character doesn’t get wet, and even in a survival game it doesn’t affect you in any way. i like the sound of the rain though.

If there is a suggestion about this, it should be to make weather a thing, something to take care of: All storms should damage player buildings, Snowy places should be cold AF and difficult to live in, The desert should have a extreme heat., and the volcano shouldn’t be inhabitable without special gear and buildings.


I was in the desert for over a year and since EA, then moved to the mounds. Guess I hoped the rain would be less than I thought. If I could just pick up my temples I would move again, but maybe I will. Don’t want to go to far north and get pelted by meteors.

I remember when it used to rain in the desert as well.

Outside no effect on “status” How far you see, is kinda the point of rain. The fog and some of other effects can sorta not really hide someone out in distance. XD


In fact no. There is a mod making less rain, so it’s possible for modded servers. I’d like to see this feature in vanilla servers as well.

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This is just a superficial change, not affecting the main program code. Just scripting.

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Less rain in north and jungle. Or damn well write code to stop rain falling and wet textures inside houses. Use sheltered status code as the trigger. It breaks immersion so much to see everything wet inside a base.

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