Our worker die without a reason

Basic Info:
Platform: PlayStation 5
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: (Ger) Conan Exiles PVE RPG

Bug Description:
Thralls (worker) die

Bug Reproduction:
Our worker die. They have food, beds and still they die. I will send you a Printscreen from the log. Does anyone have the same issue? Or das someone know why this happened or what we have to change?

I can’t upload an image. Sorry. There is the text “Alchemist III from Frostwulf Clan died (2)”

I am having the same issue. Everyday I am losing another thrall on both Exiled and Siptah. They just “disappear” I took all my thralls and put them in a walled room and roofed them in, so they could not get out. They still go missing. I log in everyday after the server reboots and inventory to see who is missing. Not enjoying this update.

Same for me on the public server 3011, the workers spawn outside the base, I’ve already lost about ten of them.

Sometimes they are in the air.

But in your Clan log are they dead?
We get logs they died and we don’t know why

What is wrong?

This is the log screenshot


Thank you so much for your report.

I reported this issue and we will try to investigate it as soon as possible, meanwhile, we appreciate your patience.

If any more information pops up, feel free to reach out to us :smile: