Pak file corrupt or tampered with. Please use steam option "verify integrity of game files" to repair game install. Exiting

Game mode: [Online | Multiplayer]
Problem: [Crash]
Region: [Here]

[Game crashes with Error
Pak file corrupt or tampered with. Please use steam option “verify integrity of game files” to repair game install. Exiting…
I have deleted all mods and reinstalled, kept crashing, deleted the mods and tried to play vanilla kept crashing, removed and reinstalled game, kept crashing, removed game and steam reinstalled both, kept crashing, reformatted HD reinstalled with just game and steam, still crashing. All drivers are up to date. Since this insane error does not list exactly what is corrupt it makes it extremely hard to narrow down ]

Steps on how to reproduce issue:
1.Unknown, this seems to be specific to me as others on servers I play on do not have this issue.

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I had this occur yesterday after the newest patch. Right click on game title in Steam library list, click on properties, select local files tab, click ‘verify integrity of game files’ and it will run a scan, should not take too long. If a corrupt or missing file is detected, steam will download that file. Should fix it.

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I have done this, it was the first thing i tried, nothing ever needs to be reacquired, I have done this over 100 times now

did you actually delete the mod folders?

Check the integrity of your hard drive. It could be going bad. Use a tool such as HDtune.

Yes deleted everything, also did a full format of PC just to see if that was it, I have tried 2 different HD just to make sure it was not that, checked RAM as well, PC is no where near overheating. This happens both on single player and when trying to play on a server

those would all be removed when i formatted my HD, but ive done both before that, both deleted and uninstalled


Sometimes when you get this message, it’s really just the games file-locking (I think - could be another part of it), and you will be able to get back in by waiting a little bit before starting it up again. If that doesn’t work, try restarting computer, and if that doesn’t work, THEN do the verify.

yes I realize this, I had to reinstall windows and and my drivers but since I only have 3 games on my PC and nothing else really, i don’t mind. The fact that this did not fix the problem leads me to believe it is a game problem NOT a pc problem, I have even tried using a different HD in the PC so I swapped it out for another and still had the same problem, i have checked both the ram AND swapped the video card so I have run out of what I am able to do on my end.

this is kind of where im at now, ive done all that and I have no clue

Did you change the read or write permissions to any of your files or folders at any point? Check your file permissions when its installed. Especially the config and saved folders.

No nothing was changed, it is a basic install, Literally installed windows, updated drivers, installed steam, installed Conan… and poof error every time. Upon reading the conansandbox.log it looks like the game starts freaking out about

2018.08.06-02.45.07:171][270]LogActorComponent:Error: May not destroy component AILODComponent /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.BP_HL_BuildStairs_T3_C_9.AILOD owned by BP_HL_BuildStairs_T3_C /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.BP_HL_BuildStairs_T3_C_9.
[2018.08.06-02.45.26:215][ 57]LogSlate: HittestGrid destroyed
[2018.08.06-02.45.26:219][ 57]LogSlate: HittestGrid destroyed
[2018.08.06-02.45.27:574][103]LogActorComponent:Error: May not destroy component AILODComponent /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.BP_HL_BuildStairs_T3_C_21.AILOD owned by BP_HL_BuildStairs_T3_C /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.BP_HL_BuildStairs_T3_C_21.
[2018.08.06-02.45.29:666][180]LogSlate: HittestGrid destroyed
[2018.08.06-02.45.29:670][180]LogSlate: HittestGrid destroyed
[2018.08.06-02.45.30:629][215]LogActorComponent:Error: May not destroy component AILODComponent /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.BP_HL_BuildStairs_T3_C_22.AILOD owned by BP_HL_BuildStairs_T3_C /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.BP_HL_BuildStairs_T3_C_22.
[2018.08.06-02.45.48:513][857]LogSlate: HittestGrid destroyed
[2018.08.06-02.45.48:517][857]LogSlate: HittestGrid destroyed
[2018.08.06-02.45.57:554][247]LogActorComponent:Error: May not destroy component AILODComponent /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.BP_HL_BuildStairs_T3_C_31.AILOD owned by BP_HL_BuildStairs_T3_C /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.BP_HL_BuildStairs_T3_C_31.
[2018.08.06-02.46.08:271][679]LogSlate: HittestGrid destroyed
[2018.08.06-02.46.08:275][679]LogSlate: HittestGrid destroyed
[2018.08.06-02.46.26:938][391]LogActorComponent:Error: May not destroy component AILODComponent /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.BP_HL_BuildStairs_Corner_T3_C_13.AILOD owned by BP_HL_BuildStairs_Corner_T3_C /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.BP_HL_BuildStairs_Corner_T3_C_13.
[2018.08.06-02.46.27:837][427]LogSlate: HittestGrid destroyed
[2018.08.06-02.46.27:840][427]LogSlate: HittestGrid destroyed
[2018.08.06-02.46.27:841][427]LogActorComponent:Error: May not destroy component AILODComponent /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.BP_HL_BuildGateFrame_T3_C_0.AILOD owned by BP_HL_BuildGateFrame_T3_C /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.BP_HL_BuildGateFrame_T3_C_0.
[2018.08.06-02.46.27:841][427]LogScriptCore:Warning: Script Msg: Attempted to access index 4 from array InvalidMaterialColors of length 4!
[2018.08.06-02.46.27:849][427]LogScriptCore:Warning: Script Msg: Attempted to access index 4 from array InvalidMaterialColors of length 4!
[2018.08.06-02.46.27:868][428]LogScriptCore:Warning: Script Msg: Attempted to access index 4 from array ValidMaterialColors of length 4!
[2018.08.06-02.46.27:868][428]LogScriptCore:Warning: Script Msg: Attempted to access index 4 from array ValidMaterialColors of length 4!

it repeats this attempted to access index 4 about 100 or 200 times then it says
[2018.08.06-02.46.31:312][557]LogSlate: HittestGrid destroyed
[2018.08.06-02.46.31:315][557]LogSlate: HittestGrid destroyed
[2018.08.06-02.46.32:343][600]LogActorComponent:Error: May not destroy component AILODComponent /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.BP_HL_BuildFoundation_T3_C_408.AILOD owned by BP_HL_BuildFoundation_T3_C /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.BP_HL_BuildFoundation_T3_C_408.
[2018.08.06-02.46.51:573][305]LogSlate: HittestGrid destroyed
[2018.08.06-02.46.51:576][305]LogSlate: HittestGrid destroyed
[2018.08.06-02.46.57:047][530]LogActorComponent:Error: May not destroy component AILODComponent /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.BP_HL_BuildFoundation_T3_C_438.AILOD owned by BP_HL_BuildFoundation_T3_C /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.BP_HL_BuildFoundation_T3_C_438.
[2018.08.06-02.46.57:666][559]LogSlate: HittestGrid destroyed
[2018.08.06-02.46.57:669][559]LogSlate: HittestGrid destroyed
[2018.08.06-02.47.03:988][806]LogActorComponent:Error: May not destroy component AILODComponent /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.BP_HL_BuildStairs_Corner_T3_C_14.AILOD owned by BP_HL_BuildStairs_Corner_T3_C /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.BP_HL_BuildStairs_Corner_T3_C_14.
[2018.08.06-02.47.04:763][837]LogSlate: HittestGrid destroyed
[2018.08.06-02.47.04:767][837]LogSlate: HittestGrid destroyed
[2018.08.06-02.47.04:767][837]LogActorComponent:Error: May not destroy component AILODComponent /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.BP_HL_BuildGateFrame_T3_C_1.AILOD owned by BP_HL_BuildGateFrame_T3_C /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.BP_HL_BuildGateFrame_T3_C_1.
[2018.08.06-02.47.04:768][837]LogScriptCore:Warning: Script Msg: Attempted to access index 4 from array InvalidMaterialColors of length 4!

it then does the script msg again for another 100+ times before

[2018.08.06-02.47.10:885][ 71]LogScriptCore:Warning: Script Msg: Attempted to access index 4 from array ValidMaterialColors of length 4!
[2018.08.06-02.47.10:885][ 71]LogSlate: HittestGrid destroyed
[2018.08.06-02.47.10:888][ 71]LogSlate: HittestGrid destroyed
[2018.08.06-02.47.22:313][491]LogActorComponent:Error: May not destroy component AILODComponent /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.BP_HL_BuildFoundation_T3_C_439.AILOD owned by BP_HL_BuildFoundation_T3_C /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.BP_HL_BuildFoundation_T3_C_439.
[2018.08.06-02.47.24:295][566]LogSlate: HittestGrid destroyed
[2018.08.06-02.47.24:299][566]LogSlate: HittestGrid destroyed
[2018.08.06-02.47.41:016][ 90]LogUMG:Display: Widget Class W_DebugItemEntry_C - Loaded Fast Template.
[2018.08.06-02.47.41:280][ 90]LogPakFile:Error: Pak chunk signing mismatch! Pak file has been corrupted or tampered with!
[2018.08.06-02.47.41:280][ 90]LogUMG:Display: Widget Class W_PlayerListEntry_C - Loaded Fast Template.
[2018.08.06-02.49.30:528][919]LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExit(1)
[2018.08.06-02.49.30:528][919]Log file closed, 08/05/18 21:49:30

My log file looks a lot like yours with the exception that I get Attempted to access index 0. All other msgs appear the same until the LogPakFile:Error. It would be nice to know which pak file it is referring to. There are many that get accessed on game load.
2018.08.06-03.14.29:091][ 0]LogPakFile: New pak file …/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Sound.pak added to pak precacher.
[2018.08.06-03.14.29:168][ 0]LogContentStreaming: Texture pool size is 1500.00 MB
[2018.08.06-03.14.31:103][ 0]LogPakFile: New pak file …/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/UI.pak added to pak precacher.
[2018.08.06-03.14.39:779][ 0]LogPakFile: New pak file …/…/…/ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Slate.pak added to pak precacher.

The basic gist of your problem is that one of the pak files are being modified somehow by something on your machine. Or not being downloaded correctly when received by Steam. The fact that you can replicate this error even on a totally clean OS and game install is awfully strange. My only guess is that you have an intermittent error in one of your memory chips that is doing something screwy.

I have done a memory test and checked each chip just to make sure they are fine, I have also swapped HD so im clueless

I have the same problem with this error occuring with diferent time intervals.
Sometimes the error comes within 10 minutes after i have done a integrity check and other times i can play for houres and nothing happens.
I haven’t done quite as much fail searching as op but i have tried reinstaling and a few others.
I do however wonder if it could have someting to do with the unreal engine becouse my son who plays fortninght sometimes get similar crashes but not nearly as often as i get them in exiles.

Install CCleaner light. Then try deleting your maps folder with shift+del. Then clean up your temp files with CCleaner and clean up your registry with CCleaner. When prompted back it up in case something goes awry. Reboot. Then run the verify integrity of game files with steam.

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