I finished Mutant Year Zero on my XBox, and would very much like to continue my adventure through Seed of Evil on the PC. However with the base game installed on my PC from Gamepass and the expansion installled in crashes immediately with no dialogue or error code. On a clean install with the various app data cleaned down the steps are:
Launch game.
Click ‘any’ key/button.
Synchronises saves.
Completes and immediate CTD.
I’ve tried the various solutions posted around the forum but have had no success. Is there a patch in the works? Is there an ETA if so?
CPU: i7-6700K
RAM: 4 * 8GB Corsair 3200Mhz
GPU: Radeon VII
Game: Installed to C: SSD
I’ll try and PM the crash logs and save files. I have tried playing the game without syncing saves etc. and it did load and work; I didn’t want to progress to actually saving anything for fear of blatting my real files.
Apologies for the late reply, I expected the forum to email me.
I have no ZoneUE4 folder in %LOCALAPPDATA% is that the right path for a Gamepass install on windows? I do have:
AppData\Local\Packages\FuncomOsloAS.MutantYearZeroRoadtoEden_pkaskhy6cdq4g\LocalCache\Local\ZoneUE4\ but the Logs folder is empty.
Edit: Just tried the game again, and it doesn’t even load now *
Cannot provide you with any crash logs or save data now as I’ve reinstalled the game and the most recent patch means it doesn’t even load:
So I have no save data synced on this machine any more, and no way to sync it.
One further edit, I don’t appear to be able to PM anything, I can’t find the option either via your profile or mine. I do have a Report.wer file for the crash above.
I have the same problem. I played PC version through Xbox game Pass. Today (8th september) I started the game and Xbox client started to download 6GB of data (update? dlc?). After that I can not start it again. Black screen appears and window closes immidiately. What a shame I just spend few hours playing the game, and I really loved it.
Please let me know if this is game issue or Xbox game pass fault. I am playing on i5-4440 and GTX1070Ti
We apologize for the troubles that the latest patch has brought to some users, the developers are already aware and looking into the game pass crash on startup and it will be addressed as soon as possible.