In the exiled lands when i went to the unnamed city and tried to dismount off my horse it got me glitch, i couldn´t get on the horse again and it died, then i tried to drink the aloe potions and i couln’t
Greetings GabrielS131516
Thank you for reporting this issue regarding the aloe potions.
In order for our team to properly assess the issue, in case it still persists to this day, could you please lets us know if you were playing on an Official Server or Private server? In case it was on a Private Server, were you perhaps using mods?
Thank you in advance!
I have encountered the same issue with being unable to heal with anything- from bandages to aloe potions. It won’t give the option to even use them or equip it to the players wheel. Once I restarted the game after having this issue happen multiple times- I was still unable to heal with any items still. I am playing on the PVE conflict official conan servers for the isle of siptah.
same here cant heal at all or equip to tool bar
I think the glitchy horses have caused these issues and also when full health it’ll let you move healing from inventory to tool bar but not when you’ve lost health. Right now I cant heal on this game which is a HUGE issue
I just now ran into this very issue on single player. Went to drink an aloe potion in the middle of a fight capturing a thrall and just couldn’t. Had to kill the thrall so I could check it out. I could move the potion off my hotbar and into the inventory, but it wouldn’t allow me to move it back from the inventory to the hotbar. There was also no “use” option at all. I had some aloe in my inventory so I made a weak potion just to see what would happen and it had the same behavior.
Going to do a verify my local files just in case.
EDIT: All files successfully validated.
Just happened with me yesterday. Caught on tape.
For everyone i know it seems that mounting a horse clears that bug immediately.
It was on official servers and it’s not only with aloe potions, also with bandages
Same problem on official server PvE, no possibility to used potion and bandage. I change my keyboard bind to test, but same problem. With HUD or directly with F in my inventory.
when I get on my horse and go back down it works again
Thank you very much for all your feedback on this issue dear players.
As a player I too have experienced this issue with the potions/bandages and I’ve tried multiple ways to fix it whenever it happens that I would like to pass on to you.
But first, could you tell me if: every time you’re unable to heal from potions/bandages have you also been prevented from mounting on your horses properly?
Some different solutions to attempt:
1 - Reload/Restart the game;
2 - Die in game;
3 - Mount your horse, get off and attempt healing;
Let us know if any of these solutions have worked for you!
Restart game does not work for me but riding the horse does, I even tried to repair the game in steam.
It only happened to me that one time so far. I didn’t try getting on my horse because I was unaware of that particular workaround. Restarting the game did work, but since I’m on single player, that basically means I also restarted the server.
I’ve had this happen several times. Pull bracelet has always worked for me as a fix.
Hi, Greetings! Thanks for listening to us!
It happened to me once. Seems very random.
It happened when I trying to sneak into Sobek Cave while invisible.
Then I got caught.
I got beaten up bad.
I drank some weak aloe potions, got healed.
I was crafting some new weak aloe potions, then they beat me up again.
There’s no “use” button to push. And they can’t be placed in hotbar.
I then rode a horse and ran away. Horses seemed fine in my case.
30 minutes later, after doing a lot of things including buidling, killing, eating lasting feasts, it suddenly recovered.
Wierd experience
Just happened to me on a private server, no mods. Died in game and immediately retrieved my items and they were able to heal/complete the animation after I respawned. Was fighting bats so had thought they had locked my animation from the knock down.
I have same issue. This and cant use explosive arrows, cant easliy mount hourse. Official server.
You can solve the problem by getting on and off a horse.
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