[PC][BUG] Temple disappearance

Game mode: [ Online official ]
Type of issue: [ Bug ]
Server type [ PvE ]
Name of server [ Official server #1016 PvE - g-portal. com ]

I have my derketo temple that has disappeared.

I do not want to start again because it’s too long.

I have never seen an administrator on the server.

I play every day and I would like to become a director because there are some bugs and people who do not play.

Plz, I need help. Ty

Hey @FerozGaming

Welcome to our community and apologies for the frustration.
There’s currently a known issue that destroys temples when upgrading them. It’s on our Trello list for our community to vote on:

Our team is looking into it.

There’s no admins on official servers nor we cannot offer that kind of power to people outside of our company, sorry.
Thanks for your feedback.

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