A Wicked Good Server (Hardcore) (PVE) is a fairly new private server (open to join from North America). We are currently running the Pippi Mod and Pippi players will be able to make their own vendors and try to get an economy going on the server. We also have the Emberlight Mod.
I am one of the admins there. We switched it from PVE to PVE-C. We made the server hardcore to bring more of a challenge to conan because as you know if you a long time player once you hit 60 you really have nothing to fear, so we thought we would change that with this server.
Admin Vendors (feel free to under cut them)
adding world bosses of our own
try to get players to work together to achieve more.
allowing players to create their own vendors with the Pippi mod “Thespains”
More to come as we go
If you looking for more of a challenge and want more from conan exiles come visit the server.
No, the NPCs hit harder, you hit just a bit less and the night is as long as the day. What we are trying to do is to get people to work together again in gaming to reach a common goal.
For example you and your T4 thrall going into the arena to farm metal scraps won’t work. The arena boss and the final boss hit way to hard. You need people to come with you to help out. Doesn’t mean you have to be in the same clan or anything, just ask other players to do the difficult dungeons with you.