Pending Connection

I have been receiving this connection error for about 5 hours now. Every time I try to join our server the loading bar gets to the very end, but I am then kicked back to the main menu, and I get a message that reads “Pending Connection Failure”. I’m allowed to join every other server besides the one I want to play on. Any methods on how to fix this would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Happened yesterday to me fixed itself after server refreash

You have to wait 24 hours from when it started

Sorry to hear you are running into this ■■■■■■. What kind of server are you playing on?

I’ve been having issues connecting to all pvp servers. Official and the player ran ones. Whenever I try going online, after it does the “checking permissions…” it seems to boot me off all wireleas connections, which is why I cant connect. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game, as well as have tried out other games to make sure it’a only happening with conan exiles, and that seems to be the case. I can play Ark, Rainbow six, Smite, etc all fine.

This has been happening to a number of players since the last hotfix and maybe before. If you look at the XBOX forum section it is littered with posts about the “pending connection failure” issue. It has happened to myself a few times. The only thing that seems to fix this issue is a server reset. In my experience, as stated above, this only started happening after the last hotfix. To my knowledge it occurs randomly and locks the player out of the server until it has been reset.

That’s not the case though. It has nothing to do with the actual server and more so the pinging system. A server reset is nice and all, but hat happens ever day. Some peoples’ issue will persist through a server reset and even lead out to other servers.

I’ve had connection issues to every server across 2 different accounts, it’s something wih how the game pings server that is making my game crash. And sadly I dont have the money n’or the patience to get another xbox and try it out

And I understand the point you are making. As I said in my post, it has happened to me on a few different servers for no apparent reason (ping on server was 60-70 with occasional spikes depending on population and WiFi). The reset is just a temporary fix till they figure out the problem. I feel for you. I hope they solve this soon.